Thursday, August 15, 2024

What Defiles?

 N.T.#368 "What Defiles?"

August 15, 2024 

Mark 7-Part 1


Here is an eye opener taught by Jesus. the Pharisees and scribes wee so hung up on their rules and traditions that they had a hard time understanding what Jesus was telling them. Previously in the Old Testament, God gave Israel commands about unclean animals they couldn't eat to teach them holiness and unholiness. (Lev. 11) 

Jesus was teaching that it wasn't foods eaten that defiled a person. It's not what goes into a person that defiles them. The Pharisees were concerned about making themselves look good on the outside, but wickedness came from within them.

Defile , in the Greek, means to make (or consider) profane; unclean; call common.

Following customs and traditions can't fix a sinful heart. It isn't the food intake that makes a person unholy or impure nor eating with unclean hands. What a person eats will not defile his heart or inner person, which is spiritual. Physical pollution, no matter how corrupt, cannot cause spiritual or moral pollution. Jesus removed the restrictions about dietary laws. Peter experienced this in a vision about unclean animals being made clean. (Acts 10 

In our area is a well-known cult that is hung up on not eating certain foods. They are more concerned with the don'ts of the Old Testament than what is in the heart. The Lord gives us common sense to not overindulge in some types of food in order to remain healthy. However, those folks make it a priority in their beliefs.

Where do you stand?


If it isn't food going into the mouth that defiles a person, then what is it? It's the things which come out of him. (verse 15, 20) Sinful behavior begins in the mind, thoughts, which become sinful words and deeds. What are we putting into our minds by reading and watching? Is it junk food for our mind? Then we expect to have pure thoughts? 

Jesus named some impure actions which stemmed from an evil, rebellious heart that is contrary to God and righteousness:

  • evil thoughts/reasoning, fantasizing or planning evil deeds
  • sexual impurity, adultery, fornication involving another
  • murder
  • stealing
  • covetousness, desiring another's gain or to gain more than one's due
  • wickedness
  • deceit
  • lasciviousness, unrestraint behavior
  • an evil eye, desiring what one sees despite moral restrictions against possessing it
  • blasphemy/disrespecting or defaming another
  • pride/arrogance, thinking too highly of oneself
  • foolishness/not using reasoning.
What a list! Are we take the dare and use it a checklist for our behavior and thoughts? All those things come from within and defile a person. (verse 23)


Take my heart and will and conform them to Yours, Lord Jesus.

;Show us our sinful ways and forgive us of our sins.

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