Friday, August 9, 2024

Helping Others


August 9, 2024  "Helping Others"

Mark 6-Part 5


Crowds kept seeking Jesus, but they were keeping Him from attending to His disciples. So He took them on a men's retreat. First to Bethsaida and then by boat to the wilderness northeast of the Sea of Galilee. Frequently they disappeared into the hill country to recover and rest in preparation for further ministry. However, by this time, a multitude greeted them with expectations. Did the disciples suggest they keep sailing to the other side so no one found them? 

Jesus saw things differently-He had compassion toward the people, like sheep without a shepherd. He began teaching them many things. (verse 34)

Compassion means feel sympathy, to pity.

Sheep aare dumb, defenseless, and directionless. They can't make the right choices, defend themselves from predators, and struggle with decision-making. Aren't people like sheep?

Although, the Lord is like a shepherd who gathers the lambs in his arms. (Isaiah 40:11)

How are with sharing, helping, and giving?


It was getting late in a deserted area with 5,000 men and perhaps up to 20,000 hungry people in the crowd. You know folks get irritable when they get hungry. Wrap up the teaching and send them away so they can eat. Good thought, but not quite what Jesus had in mind. 

Had the disciples not heard about God's provision to Israel for 40 years? Feeding a couple million was no small task. Jesus blessed the 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, which could be stretched to feed a party of 13 plus a boy. God never lacks resources. He can always afford what He chooses to provide. No need of catering nor clean up. Everyone was stuffed like Thanksgiving turkeys and leftovers, too. 

What is your kingdom mission that God has for you? We are called to give whatever we have-our time, our money, and our abilities. 


Use us to meet the needs of people.

Give us compassion.

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