Tuesday, August 27, 2024

When the Blind Sees

N. T. #376  "When the Blind Sees"

August 27, 2024 

Mark 8-Part 5


Jesus and His disciples went to Bethsaida, located northeast of Galilee on the coast and a blind man was brought to Him. Those who brought him to Jesus knew the blind man needed a touch of Jesus for his sight to be restored. (This is the hometown of Philip, Peter, and Andrew.) What a unique miracle in that most of Jesus' supernatural acts occurred in a single word or touch. Also, this is the only place in the Word where the miracle is mentioned. 

What happened?

  • In order to avoid publicity, Jesus took the man by the hand outside the town. He was led by Jesus. did you catch that?
  • Jesus spit on the man's eyes, touched them, and asked if the man could see. Jesus touched the man.
  • Although the man's eyesight was not clear, men appeared as trees, blurry.
  • So, again Jesus put His hands upon the man's eyes, made him look up, and clear sight was restored to the man.
  • The man saw Jesus, the Savior and Messiah, face to face. Did the man say thanks?
Why did Jesus choose to touch the man's eyes a second time before he could see? This miracle was not too difficult for Jesus, but He chose to do it in stages. Maybe it was to show the disciples that some healing wouold be gradual rather than instantaneous of to demonstrate that spiritual truth is not always perceived clearly at first. Before Jesus left, He healed the man completely. (Life Application Study Bible)

Isaiah 6:1-2a is quoted by Jesus in Like 4:18-19: He is anointed to give recovering sight to the blind, as one of the things mentioned. Christ never does His work by the halves nor leaves it till He can say, "It is finished." (Matthew Henry)

Is Jesus leading us? Are we willingly following Him? Do we need a touch of Jesus in our life or on our spiritual sight? Jesus does not give up on us. He can see us through whatever is weighing us down.


What were the instructions for the man which Jesus gave?

And He sent him away to his house, saying, Neither go into the town, nor tell it to any in the town. (verse 26)

Are we careful to let our good deeds honor God instead of us? Have those around us seen Jesus living in us? 


Lead us on the narrow path, Jesus.

Open our spiritual eyes to see as You see.

Touch our hearts, Lord andfill us with Your love so we can meet the needs of people.

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