That your rejoicing may be more abundant in Jesus Christ for me by my coming to you again.
Philippians 1:26
We have cows on our farm that need water available for them to drink. I go out early in the morning and turn on the faucet connected to the hose which fills the water tank. (that's a mouthful) Since I have been doing this all winter, I have become a pretty good judge of the amount of time it will take for this process. Lacking confidence, I still set the timer to remind me to go shut off the water. There have been a few times I miscalculated, which allowed resulted in the water overflowing in the tank. I was reminded of this incidence when I read Jerry Falwell's comments on the key verse.
Liberty Bible Commentary says:
NLT gives a clearer way of saying this, "And when I come to you again, you will have even more reason to take pride in Christ Jesus because of what he is doing through me."
Can I rejoice in what Jesus is doing through others? Can I rejoice in what He is doing through me?
NKJV states in verse 27a,"Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ."
Henry Blackaby said,"Paul understood that the way he lived ought to be worthy of the King who had chosen him. He knew that the mystery of the gospel had been hidden for generations and had only been revealed in his day through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Col.1:26-27). Because Paul's life had been radically transformed by the gospel, he was intent on living to honor the gospel that gave him life. It would have been tragic to receive the riches of the gospel and then to live as a spiritual pauper."
KJV uses the word conversation in place of conduct in the above verse.
Liberty Bible Commentary states:
Is my life a tribute to the matchless grace that my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, has bestowed upon me?
Is my conduct worthy of the gospel of Christ?
Verses 28-30 of NLT says, "For you have been given not only the privilege of trusting in Christ but also the privilege of suffering for Him. We are in this struggle together. You have seen my struggle in the past, and you know that I am still in the midst of it."
"Our difficulty may not be as a punishment, but a tool in God's hand. The Greek word for suffer is the the word pasko. It is usually in the sense of persecution. However, it is also used of physical sufferings not related to persecution (Acts 28:5, Matt.17:15), of suffering under temptation (Heb.2:8), and hardships in a general sense (1Cor.12:26) and Gal.3:4)," says David Guzik's Commentaries on the Bible.
If anyone had a right to complain about his sufferings, it was Paul. Did he complain? No, Paul learned to live above his circumstances. We will discuss his "how" later. We find his real attitude about it in chapters 3 and 4. Paul learned to be content. I need some of that. How about you?
Because of his prayerful and praising attitude in a dark, cold cell, a Philippian jailer had an earth-shaking conversion. (Acts 16)
It's a privilege for us to believe on Jesus and to suffer for Him. He suffered in order to provide our salvation. We will have a crown if we suffer for Jesus (Matt. 5:11-12).
In her study book, Living Beyond Yourself, Beth Moore said, "Joy is the result of discovering the person, power, and plan of God in our multitude of circumstances; in presence, purpose, power of Christ through all tribulations. Chara is the supernatural result which flows from the glorious discovery of our Lord and Savior in every circumstance where we wish to find Him."
Do I see Jesus in every circumstance? I haven't looked for Him there, I can truthfully say. Now I will.
Stephen was being stoned to death when he saw Jesus standing on the the right hand of the Father. What a standing ovation recorded in Acts 7!
Friend, don't get discouraged because you aren't always joyful in all your circumstances. I haven't been in the past and can only work on it with Christ's help. I know we aren't Paul. God wants us to keep striving, though.
Have a joyful attitude. I need to stop complaining.
When I stumble and fall down due to my sins, repent, then get back up and walk with Jesus again.
Rejoice. Say "thanks" more often.
Let the Holy Spirit overflow in me to others.
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