Thursday, February 10, 2011


Ephesians 5-Part 3
Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God.   Ephesians 5:21


Are you intrigued by a mystery? As a child growing up, I developed a love for mysteries. I would use my allowance to purchase mystery books to read. I would rty to solve the mystery without reading the last page. I have a whole set of Trixie Beldon books, several Nancy Drew and Hard Boys mystery books. My  daughter read them as a child and now her son now loves to read, so maybe this trait will carry on. I was excited when library day came for us at  school  so I could check out another mystery book. Paul talks about a great mystery in verse 32. Let's see what it is.

"For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church," state verses 31-31.

Paul is quoting Genesis 2:24 in this passage. The couple is joined together in body, soul, and spirit and their relationship is set apart from other relationships. I've heard that the longer a couple is married, the more alike they become. I'm not sure this is too far fetched because my spouse and I can often finish each other's sentence. Anyway, Christ relates to His church bidding us to be united in spirit.
1John 3:14a says, "We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren."

Paul's comparison of the marriage union with the union of Christ and His church is the mystery. (Falwell)

"With the same intimacy, love, and sharing that an ideal husband and wife share, Jesus wants to live with His people," said David Guzik.

"Wise believers, filled with the Spirit, who mutually submit to each other contribute to the unity and harmony of the enire body of Christ," Shepherd's Notes tells us.

Well, friends, our mystery is solved. Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it. (verse 25b) Are we to do any less?


How am I conducting my Christian walk, life? It should be with wisdom. Paul gives us some pointers in verses 15-24. Shall we see what he said?
  • Being filled with the Spirit. (verse 18) The key idea of the word filled is control. Believers are to be dominated and controlled by God's Spirit.
  • Singing praises to God with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. (verse 19) We sing old and new songs, praising God with them.
  • Giving thanks to God in Jesus'  name. (verse 20) We are to always have a thankful heart, no matter what the circumstance.
  • Submitting one to another in the fear of God. (verse 21) "Our of reverence for Christ" is how the NIVsays it. We are to have unity and harmony in the entire body of Christ.
  • Submitting as wives unto our own husband. (verse 22) Submit means "to be subject to." An example is when a soldier submits to their superior or slaves to their masters. The word has primarily the idea of giving up one's own right and will. (Rienecker)
  • Submitting husbands unto Christ. (verse 23) The husband is the God-appointed leader of the home. He is accountable to Christ.
  • Loving husbands for their wife. (verse 25)
  • Submitting church to Christ. (verse 23) Christ is the head of the church; the Savior of the body.
  • Respecting wives for their husband. (verse 33) We honor him above all other men.
Am I submissive in whatever capacity I live? Submissive to my husband, respecting him? Submissive to Christ? Submissive to others in love? If you are like me, I am constantly working on this area of my life.
It is hard, isn't it? Singing and thanking is the easy part.


Submit, submit, submit.

Sing to the Lord.

Give thanks to the Lord.

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