Philippians 2-Part 2
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:10-11
I have a choice in what I let my mind dwell upon. I can let my thoughts be focused on the matters of this world, or I can let them be focused on the Word of God and praising Him. Even though I'm in the world, living and working, I don't have to be of the world. It's a choice I have to make daily. I have to guard my mind so the devil doesn't change my focus and I yield to his temptations, sinning in my mind. I have to constantly be minding my mind, so to speak.
In verse 5, Paul tells us to "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus."
What was the mind of Christ like?
There are a couple of characteristics that Christ had that we can't have.
First, He was pre-incarnate in existance. His existance didn't begin in a manger at Bethlehem because He is eternal God. Christ was before the world was. "Christ ever was, is, and ever shall be God," said Jerry Falwell. Dr. Curtis Vaughan of Southwestern Seminary said, "The incarnation of Jesus was not make-believe, or play-like. It was real!" Amen to that!
Second, Christ was equal with God. "Jesus' divine nature was not something He had to seek for or acquire, but it was His already," said David Guzik.
In John 10:30 Jesus said, "I and the Father are one."
The Scripture states, Who, being in the form of God." (verse 6)
Third, Christ emptied Himself, not of His Diety, but from something, the form of God. It's like pouring tea from a pitcher into a glass. The form is different, but the substance stays the same. Hebrews 13:8 states, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever." Jesus clothed Himself with humanity, while still being God.
Now that we have those things extablished- Jesus was God, of a divine nature which did not change, but took on the form and appearance of a man, we can go on and look at what His mind was like.
Verse 7 tells us that Christ not only took on the likeness of men, but He took upon Him the form of a servant. David Guzik said, "Jesus did not empty Himself of His deity, or of any of His attributes, or of His equality with God. He emptied Himself into the form of a servant, not merely the form of a man. "
Now there are some characteristic that we can have which make us like Jesus. What are they? Look at verses 7 and 8.
First, Jesus was a servant, a slave.
Second, He was humble.
Third, Jesus was obedient.
Jesus was a servant, who was humble and obedient. It was His love for us that prompted Jesus to do this. "The mark of a slave is obedience. When slaves were executed they were crucified. Christ placed Himself on the same plane as the worst of criminals. Adam was disobedient unto death; Christ was obedient unto death," states in Liberty Bible Commentary.
"The Sovereign over all became the Servant of all," said Preston Taylor in his book Philippians: Joy in Jesus. Isaiah 53:2-3 and 12 describe Jesus' outward appearance. His death was a cruel, shameful death, not ordinary. Certainly, Jesus was "one of us," yet without sin. (Heb. 4:15)
It is a choice for me. I can be like Christ or not.
What are we going to do when eternity comes to us? Our key verses tell us. Everyone will bow their knees to Jesus and confess Him as Lord. All will submit to His Lordship. Even those who curse Him on earth will say Christ is Lord. I pray that you will do this now while alive on earth and not wait until it is too late, in eternity to accept Christ as your Savior.
While here on earth Christ was crowned with thorns (Matt.27:29), but in heaven He is crowned with glory and honor (Rev. 5:12-14).
There is something else that we can do. Verse 3 and 4 in Beck Version of the Bible says, "Don't be selfish or proud, but humbly treat others as better than yourselves." NAS uses the words selfishness or empty conceit.
I should have have concern for others, loving them, having their best in mind.
Be a servant, humble and obedient to Christ today.
Have the mind of Christ, not my own.
Treat others better than myself.
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