Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Ephesians 5-Part 1
Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you, and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma. 
Ephesians 5:1-2 (NAS)


Christ loves us. Sometimes we need reminding of it, don't we? I, for one, get busy with events of the day, and need reminded. When things don't go my way, I need reminded. When our water froze, I need reminded. The negative temp last week caused it to freeze in the well house. No pipes froze, thank the Lord.
So I made the best of the situation and melted snow on top of the stove to rinse dishes for the dishwasher and to flush. By noon we had water running again. It really didn't bother me. Isn't that what the pioneer women did daily in winter?

Christ loves me. Over 2,000 years ago He gave Himself for me and you, as an offering and sacrifice that pleased God. While I was yet a sinner (unsaved) He died for me. (Rom. 5:8).
Jesus is our example. We are to display the same kind of self-giving love. I am to offer a pleasing sacrifice as I give myself in love serving others. Then it is a fragrant aroma unto God.

Yes, Christ loves us. And quite a lot, wouldn't you agree? Do I return love to Him?


What is an imitator?
Webster's Dictionary says an imitator copies in manner or action; follows as a model; mimics.

That made me think of a particular bird which stayed in my yard all last summer. Whenever it sang, the whole yard sounded like it was filled with various singing birds. As I listened intensely, I could pick up on its significant sounds-it mimiced other birds around us. When I finally found who was doing this, I saw that this was a mockingbird. So I enjoyed having our state bird in my yard.

Who am I supposed to be imitating? Reread verse 1. It is God that I'm supposed to be imitating, as His child. Am I demonstrating the family likeness? Christ showed us how to live; He lived a holy, pure life in words and action.

Liberty Bible Commentary tells us:
"The distinguishing marks of the Christlike love are forgiveness (4:32) and sacrifice. Love is the Christian standard for daily conduct. The Christlike love denies self, takes up the cross daily, and follows Him (Luke 9:23).

Am I a sincere imitator of God/Christ? Something to ponder.


Yes, Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so! Hold that thought today.

Strive to imitate God/Christ.

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