Thursday, July 8, 2010


Mark 11
And Jesus answering saith unto them, "Have faith in God." 
                                  Mark 11:22


When Peter saw the  fig tree that Jesus cursed, he said it was wilted.
What did Jesus answer? Have faith in God.

Is my faith bearing fruit or is it wilted, withering away. I want my faith
growing in obedience and showing the fruit of the Spirit. I will keep
trusting in Jesus.


Jesus was hungry when He and the disciples came to Bethany. He saw a
fig tree, went to it expecting figs to eat. All that Jesus found on the tree was
leaves, no figs.
"No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever," Jesus said to
the tree in verse 14.
The next morning they saw the fig tree dried up from its roots.

Matthew Henry says:
           This represented the character and state of the Jewish church;
           which was a tree dried up from the roots; no longer fit for food,
           but for fuel only. The withered tree comes from rejecting Christ
           and being rejected by Him.

This reminded me that every time I go blackberry picking along my country
road, I see stems of blackberries with only green leaves, no berries. It's
disappointing to see them empty. Oh, they are  beautiful with their bright
green leaves, but empty of berries.
I want to bear fruit for Jesus, not be a witlted bush or tree. I need to stay in
the Word of God in order to do this.

Galatians 5:22-23 says,"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
longsuffering (patient), gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness (gentle),
temperance (self-control); against such there is no law."


Have faith in God that is growing and bearing spiritual fruit.
Trust God with everything.
Read  God's Word daily so I bear fruit of the Spirit for Him.

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