Mark 12
For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want.
Mark 12:44
I admit that I don't do much cooking these days. Since it is only the two of
us now a days, has been for twelve years, we eat out often. My energy level
has sunk to an all-time low. Besides, it never was my favorite thing to do and
who likes clean up. Unfortunately, my husband doesn't like left overs. He
would be happy with a fresh, hot meal twice a day. (At the rate of our
metabalism we'd be as big as a barn in a year.) So when I do cook, there
seems to always be left overs, which means less cooking for me.
In the last few verses of this chapter, Jesus was in the synagogue watching
as the people put their money into the treasury. According to verse 41, many
were putting in a lot. Then He observed a poor widow, who threw in two
mites. Probably it was the same as two pennys.
In verse 42, Jesus called over His disciples and said,"This poor widow hath
cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all they did
cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had,
even all her living"
The rich, who could give a lot, had a heart problem, put money in from
their abundance. I call it their leftovers. It sounds like they used their own
money on themselves, then if any money was left they gave it to God. Is this
pleasing to God? No, He wants first place in all things, even in our money
On the other hand, the poor widow, who may not have had a son to provide
for her, and had no means of working, gave her money to God. She gave
out of her neediness. Maybe the 2 mites were all she had to live on for the
rest of the month. She had needs, but her heart full of love for God, put Him
first, not herself.
I wonder if Jesus surprised this sweet lady with a few coins in her pocket,
or maybe when she got home, she found an extra bag of coins. Who knows?
Maybe someone had her over for lunch, since Jews didn't go out to eat on
the sabbath. Was there even a local cafe around the corner?
So, this passage tells me to give God first place, not from my leftovers. I am
to trust Him to provide for my needs as I'm faithful in tithing.
In verse 13, the Pharisees and Herodians sent some good talkers to Jesus in
order to "catch him in his words". They asked,"Was it lawful to give tribute
to Ceasar or not?" This was in reference to money, but was Jesus talking
about more than money in His answer?
In verse 17, Jesus answered,"Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's,
and to God the things that are God's."
Do I give Jesus my time, thoughts, praise, heart, service, abilities, prayer
2Corinthians 9:7 tells us ,"Every man according as he purposeth in his heart,
so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful
Give Jesus first place in my life.
Be faithful and cheerful in giving my 10% tithe.
Trust Him to meet my needs.
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