Luke 10
She (Martha) came to Jesus and said,"Lord, doesn't it seem unfair to
you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to
come and help me." Luke 10:40 NLT
Within this chapter, are two unique stories only written by Luke-the good
Samaritan and Mary and Martha's visit by Jesus.
"Who is my neighbor?" asked the lawyer of Jesus. To answer, Jesus told
a parable (story) we call "The Good Samaritan. " A Jewish man was traveling
to Jericho when he was attacked by thieves, stripped of his clothes, beaten,
and left for half dead along the road.
Three types of people saw this man and had different reactions:
- a priest-passed by him on the other side.
- a Levite-came and looked on the man, then passed by on the other side.
- a Samaritan-a mixed race, saw the man and had compassion on him.
The Samaritan treated the half dead man's wounds on the spot, put him on
his animal, took him to the inn, and took care of him. When the Samaritan left
the next day, he paid the inn keeper and said he'd return and repay the
expenses for the wounded man. Now, keep in mind that Jews dispised the
Samaritans. They were half-breeds, part Jew.
Which one of the three was a neighbor to the man that was hurt by the thieves?
(Jesus asked the lawyer.) He answered that it was the one who showed mercy
on him. Jesu told the lawyer, "Go and do likewise."
What a neighbor! He was selfless, compassionate, sharing, giving, and
merciful. The list could go on.
So Jesus made His point clear-show mercy. We aren't to be selective in
whom we show mercy and compassion, right? It doesn't matter what race,
social standing, religion, their morals or lack of, or sinner, right? So why do
we have trouble obeying this command? Maybe because it hits us right where
we live. It effects our everyday life and those around us.
Before we talk about the home of M & M, let me tell you a story about my
sister and me. I only have one sister, and she's ten years older than I am. When
we were growing up at home, there were five of us in the family. I remember
my sister often cooked supper because our Mom worked outside the home.
This particular time I was supposed to be washing dishes after supper, but
I made an excuse of needing to use the restroom. I took my sweet time and
when I returned to the kitchen, the dishes were done. Nice. I thought it might
work next time.Well, this went on for several evenings until my sister caught
onto my plot-get out of washing dishes.
I don't think she was very happy with me. Of course I was probably only 8 or so.
(I'll have to ask her how it turned out. With my memory...)
Here's a story in this chapter about two sisters.
Jesus and His disciples were friends of Lazrus and his two sisters. I call the
M & M, but their names are Mary and Martha. When they were in town,
Jesus and His disciples would drop by for a visit in M & M's home.
This particular time Martha invited the group into their home and she went
straight to the kitchen to whip up a big dinner. (There must have been at
least 16 to fix for, with 13 being hungry men, right? There could have been
more with the group, the scripture doesn't say.)
"Where is that sister of mine?" could have been in Martha's thoughts.
Poor overworked Martha must have been frustrated, sweaty, tired, and hot
to complain to her guest of honor and friend. If she was in the kitchen, she
wasn't hearing about love, forgiveness, servanthood, etc. that the Master
and Savior was teaching. Where was Mary? She was sitting at Jesus' feet,
listening to Him. Remember, it was while her sister cooked.
Look back at the key verse above-verse 40. KJV says, "But Martha was
cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said,' Lord, doest thou
not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she
help me.' "
I love Jesus' answer, "Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about
many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part,
which shall not be taken away from her." ( verses 41-42 KJV)
Can't you hear the tenderness in His voice as He reassured Martha that
they were already eatting-spiritual food, that is. Mary was doing something
more important and lasting, which was learning about the Savior.
In John chapter 11 where Lazrus dies, who was the first of M & M to meet
Jesus when He came to town? Martha was. We'll talk about it when we get
to the book of John.
Show mercy to everyone.
Sit at the Lord's feet and listen to His teachings.
Cheerfully serve the Lord Jesus and others.
Be a M & M-Mary and Martha. see Colossians 3:23
[ A wonderful book to read is "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World"
by Joanna Weaver.]