Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What Shall I Do?

Matthew 27
Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called
Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified. Matt. 27:22


Monday I was leaving for the dentist with ten minutes to spare. I thought
that was good for a Monday morning. When I backed out of the
driveway, there was a cow coming down my country road. I thought to
myself, "What shall I do? Oh, I have plenty of time to open the gate and
let her into the pasture." NOT
The cow trotted in the opposite direction. I got into my car and drove
after her. She turned around and went back, into my driveway. Her
baby was even bawling on the other side of the fence. How hard is it to
just walk through the gate? Apparently the c-o-w wanted to do it her
way, because she never did go in for me. I called the owner and left
with her trotting down the road.

She must have been put back into the pasture because after 2 hours I
returned and she was no where around.
I realized that I have been like that old cow-stubborn, going my own
way when Jesus opened the gate for me. Many times.

What shall I do with Jesus? Do I take Him with me throughout the week,
or leave Him at church? Do I talk with Him along my country road of
faith? Do I listen to Him as I read His Word?
Pilate listened to those around him. He should have listened to his heart
and to his wife. What shall I do with Jesus?


In verse 46, Jesus said,"My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken
Me?" His Father turned away from Jesus. Why? Because God cannot
look upon sin. Jesus had everyones' sins upon Him.

Who else forsook Jesus while He was on the cross?
priests, Pharisees, Saducees, the crow, Judas, religious people,
Roman leaders, disciples (except Peter and John), followers (except
the 3 Mary's, Martha, and Lazrus) and Salome, one thief on the cross,
Joseph the tomb owner

Jesus didn't come down; He stayed and endured the pain of the cross.
He loved you and me so much that He took our place so we don't have
to pay for our sins. What love!

Just a small crowd remained faithful to the end to Jesus.
Where are the 5,00 men and the 4,000 men He fed?
Where are all those people He healed? Those He cast demons
out of?

They forsook Jesus. I don't want to forsake Jesus. I want to be
a true and faithful servant to the end.


Surrender my life to Jesus.
Seek His way, not mine, then do it when I find out what it is.
Go through the gate when He opens it.
Stay with Jesus, don't forsake Him.

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