Thursday, June 24, 2010


Mark 1


When my children were growing up, I often responded to their "Mom"
call with a "Wait a minute." That wasn't what they wanted to hear and
they would keep calling me until I came to them.
I am so glad that Jesus doesn't wait, but answers immediately.

The word immediately is used over 40 times in the book of Mark.
It means now, instantly, promptly, instantaneously, directly, straightway.

I found this word, immediately, or its synonyms, used 10 times in
chapter 1:
  1. when the Spirit like a dove came upon Jesus-verse 10
  2. when the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness-verse 12
  3. how soon Simon Peter and Andrew followed Jesus-verse18
  4. when Jesus called James and John as disciples-verse 20
  5. when Jesus taught in the synagogue at Capernaum-verse 21
  6. how the news about Jesus spread-verse 28
  7. when they went to Simon & Andrew's house-verse 29
  8. when they told Jesus of Peter's mother inlaw's sickness -verse30
  9. how soon the leper was healed-verse 42
  10. when Jesus sent the healed leper away-verse 43
Jesus didn't waste time. He had the Father's power and He changed things
immediately. When He spoke to or touched someone, His command
happened right them.
How do I respond to Jesus? Is it later, when I make the time? The
disciples responded immediately when Jesus called them.


And in the early morning, while it was still dark, He arose and
went out and departed to a lonely place, and  was praying there.
Matt. 1:35 NAS

Jesus went alone and prayed. It was dark and early in the morning when
He went.Since Jesus is my example, I should pray early in the morning,
alone, in a quiet place. My prayer time is sometimes outside on the porch
swing; sometimes it is in my living room; sometimes it is while I'm walking
on the treadmill. I call it my "meeting with Jesus" time. Do you have a
special place and time to meet with Jesus in prayer?


Be faithful in my prayer time.
Listen, then immediately respond when Jesus calls me.

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