Tuesday, May 10, 2016


O. T. #751  "Intervening"
May 10, 2016
1 Kings 1-Part 3
Has my lord the king really done this without letting any of his officials know who should be the next king?  1 Kings 1:27


After my grandfather passed away, back in the 70's. I intervened between my mom and dad. Dad was making plans to buy his father's farm from his siblings and move into the house where he grew up. Mom, on the other hand, had in mind that they would remodel their present house instead. I realized that those two had not communicated very well on the situation. So, finally, I intervened, informing both of my parents the other ones' plans. As it turned out, Mom got her way. What a mess it could have been had I not helped them understand how the other thought and felt. Years later, I now live in their old house and my brother now lives in my grandfather's house. Ownership of both farms have remained in my family.
David was in need of someone intervening in his situation, unbeknownst to him.

David is growing old. His son, Adonijah, jumps in and appoints himself as king, getting his supporters together without his father's knowledge. When three of David's loyal servants take matters into their own hands, they inform Bathsheba of the situation. She took the message to King David. He had previously promised that their son, Solomon, would be crowned the next king. Nathan had given Bathsheba the message to tell the king, then he would come proclaiming the same one.

Although the Bible does not record David's promise that Solomon would be Israel's next king, it is clear that he was the choice of both David (1:17, 30) and God (1 Chron. 22:9-10).

David had his remaining supporters listed in verse 8. Life Application Study Bible tells about them:
  • Zadok, the other high priest under David, who was given the privilege of crowning Solomon as the next king, then became the sole high priest under King Solomon.
  • Benaiah, was a distinguished great warrior, who commanded a division of David's army of over 24,000 men. He was One of the Thirty and in charge of David's bodyguard. Solomon later made him chief commander of the army.
  • Nathan, God's prominent prophet during David's reign, who wrote a history of David and Solomon.
  • Shimei,not the same man who cursed David, but probably the one who was rewarded by Solomon and appointed district governor in the land of Benjamin.
  • Rei, probably an army officer, who is only mentioned here.
  • David's Warriors, including leaders of several different divisions of the troops.
Do we remain faithful to our spiritual leaders? Are we a faithful warrior for God today? Do we appreciate our supporters?


Both Nathan and Bathsheba intervened to King David.
Intervene means to come between, as found in Webster's Dictionary.
What was their message?
  • Adonijah had sacrificed many cattle, fattened calves, and sheep.
  • He only invited the king's sons, your commanders of your army, Abiathar the priest to attend a celebration.
  • They are feasting and drinking with him, shouting, "Long live King Adonijah!"
  • However, he did not invite Zadok the priest, Benaiah, Nathan, nor Solomon.
  • Have you really done this, King David, without letting any of your officials know who should be the next king? Nathan the prophet asked.
  • Bathsheba added that David promised her that Solomon would sit on David's throne next.
That was all it took for David to get the ball rolling, in other words. We will discuss next time what happened that day. Had David not acted quickly, another rebellion by another son would have been on his hands, such as Absalom did.

Do we inform others of the truth? Are we intervening on others' behalf? Will we continue our prayers for others in need? Do we stand in between, intervening, to help peace come to conflicts?


Help others who are in conflict.

Intervene for others in prayer.

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