Thursday, May 24, 2012

What Kind of Fruit is in Your Garden?

526.  "What Kind of Fruit is in Your Garden?"                            May 24, 2012
James 3-Part 6
But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peacae of them that make peace.  James 3:17-18


One spring my son and I decided to plant a garden. We hoed by hand a spot of ground outside the fenced in yard. (We had a beagle inside that liked to dig.) Since we didn't have a tiller, it was hard work hoeing to dig up the grass. We planted the hills of corn and squash, tied up tomato plants, even put in seeds of okra, too. After much watering and weeding, as time passed, we had the fruit of our labor to enjoy. It was a good time that we spent together, talking, and working with our hands. There are seven fruits that were not found in our garden, but are characteristic of divine wisdom from above. Shall we see what they are?

We talked about the true, false, and human wisdom in our last lesson. Today's verses talk more in depth about the true, divine wisdom that is from above. The tests of true wisdom are good behavior and gentleness (verse 13). Good behavior means change: an inner willingness to obey God's Word. Gentleness refers to strength under control, like that seen in a high-spirited horse that has been well trained.

What are its characteristics of divine wisdom? (Thayer's Lexicon definition), [from Swindoll's James],  {from MacArthur}

1. Pure: (pure from every fault, immaculate)
              [It is listed first in importance and first on the list. Means freedom from defilement, without
               contamination, clean; moral cleanliness and purity of  motive. In Matt. 5:8, Jesus says
               the pure in heart will see God-meaning they'll see Him come to their rescue when
               tempted or facing trials.]
              {This refers to spiritual integrity and moral sincerity.}
2. Peaceable: (loving peace),
                       [We're like a desert when God's rain gently falls upon the desert, a peaceable attitude
                         springs to life.]
                      {Refers to peace-loving, peace-promoting.}

3. Gentle: (fair, mild)
                  [Means equitable, moderate, tolerant; refers to those in places of authority over
                    others. "Sweet reasonableness-to extend to others the kindly consideration we would wish
                    to receive ourselves," says Matthew Arnold.]
                  {Such a person will submit to all kinds of mistreatment and difficulty with an attitude of
                    kind, courteous, patient humility, without any thought of hatred or revenge.}

4. Easy to be Intreated, reasonable: (easily obeyed, compliant)
                                                             [Refers to those who are under someone else's authority; means
                                                              easily persuaded]
                                                             {Willing to yield, someone who is teachable, willingly submits
                                                                to moral and legal standards; obedience to God's standards.}
5. Full of Mercy and Good Fruits: (Mercy is kindness or good will towards the miserable and
                                                            afflicted; joined with a desire to relieve them, of men towards
                                                            [Mercy is a compassionate attitude, and good fruits are actions
                                                             that naturalllly flow from mercy.]
                                                            {A gift of showing concern for those who suffer pain and
                                                              hardship, andthe ability to forgive quickly.}

6. Without Partiality: (Without dubiousness, ambiguity, or uncertainty)
                                      [Unwavering-means a person of fixed principles; decisive person who is
                                        unafraid to make decisions based on Scripture.]
                                      {A consistent, unwavering person who is undivided in his committment and
                                        conviction and does not make unfair distinctions.}

7. Without Hupocrisy: (unfeigned, undisguised)
                                        [A hypocrite who wears a mask, who pretends to be someone he or she is not,
                                          as an actor; not two-faced or deceptive.]

There are a lot of fruit of divine wisdom, isn't there?


Now that we've completed our fruit inspection, did we find all seven in us? What result can divine wisdom make in our lives?
Peace, according to James, means being rightly related to one another; it's a horizontal peace between humans beings, not vertical peace between God and man.

Righteousness means integrity, virtue, purity of life, uprightness, correctness in thinking, feeling, and acting.

Do I want correctness in my thinking, feelings, and actions? I need to study the Word so I know how.

Verse 18 refers to good works that result from salvation. Righteousness flourishes in a climate of spiritual peace. (MacArthur)

As rain gives life to the desert, so can God cultivate a garden of divine wisdom in us through the living water of His Holy Spirit. Am I ready to change from being a fruit inspector to a fruit grower?


Be a fruit grower; allow the Holy Spirit to produce divine wisdom in me.

Develop pure thoughts. Slam that door to unpure thoughts and temptations.

Live peaceably with others.

Become a gentle and  reasonable person.

Have a heart full of mercy and good fruits.

Stand unwaveringly in the principles of the Word of God.

Be a person without hypocrisy.


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