Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Rejoice and Beware

Philippians 3-Part 1
Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord.  Philippians 3:1a
For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.  Philippians 3:3


Rejoice? Wait a minute, I've read this word  before here in Philippians. Sure enough, this is the eighth and nineth time Paul has used the word rejoice in this small letter. It's only the 61st and 63rd verses. Okay, I may be a slow learner at times, but I'm listening Lord. Are You telling me, through Paul, to rejoice? How can I rejoice when I'm in this situation, that You know about? How can I rejoice when it's keeping me awake at night, Lord? I'm supposed to be happy and glad, when this is going on?
Oh.....I'm listening. "Don't rejoice in your circumstances. Rejoice in Christ Jesus." (verse 3)
Okay. How do I rejoice in Christ? "Look at what He has done for you."

Well, He created me, keeps me breathing, provided my salvation, chose me to be His child, endured the pain of the cross, died for me, resurrected for me, interceeds for me right now, shows me grace and mercy all the time, protects me, provides for me, loves me unfailingly and unconditionally, blesses me daily, never leaves me, has a place in heaven waiting for me, gives the Bible as truth.

"These are generic. Everyone can name those blessings. What has the Lord done for you personally?"
I saw Jesus' power in the lightning storm last night and experienced His protection.
Last week, I saw an eagle soaring over a field just a few yards in front of me. It reminded me that I can soar above my problems as I wait upon the Lord to renew my strength. (Is.40:31)
I see new baby calves only a day old. This teaches me that God gives new life daily.
When I accidently sliced the top layer of skin off my finger with a razor, I felt throbbing pain. That which I felt was only a smiggen of pain that Jesus experienced on the cross for me.
I've seen evidence of the Holy Spirit moving as people come for baptism (after salvation).
I have felt the love of my Father as new people seek and do worship Him at church.
I felt the unconditional love of God when my granddaughter hugged me.
Yes, I have personally experienced God this week. Have you?

Hmmm. I get it. So instead of focusing on my problem, focus on Christ. Rejoice in the Lord. Rejoice in Christ Jesus. I can do that.
"Rejoice in the Lord. The entire phrase may be the Christian equivalent of the Old Testament exclamation, Hallelujah." (Martin)

Are you with me girlfriend? Did you hear it too? What do you have to rejoice about?


Now that I got my attitude adjusted, Let's move on.

In between verses 1 and 3, Paul says, "Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision." (verse 2)
Here are three warnings:
1. Beware of dogs. 
    There were herds of dogs that prowled around the cities in this time. They had no home or owner; they
    fed on refuse and filth on the streets; they were scavengers;  they quarreled among themselves; they
    attacked the passer-by. Dogs was a term used by Jews in contempt for Gentiles. Paul  was refering to the
    troublemaking legalists who were trying to deceive the Philippians. These were false teachers who trusted
    in works, not grace, perverted the gospel, and substituted everything for the blood of Jesus.
2. Beware of evil workers.
    Paul was refering to deceitful legalistic workers, mischief-makers, wolves in sheep's clothing, pretending to
    be a follower of Christ, but actually false teachers.
3. Beware of the concision.
    Paul refers to the mutiliation, the circumcision for the Gentiles that the Jewish legalists insisted was
    required in being a Christian. These were followers of the law, but had no heart for God, false teachers.
[Resources: Liberty Bible Commentary, David Guzik's Commentaries on the Bible]

How can I apply this to modern times? Watch out for and  be aware of any false teachers, whether on tv, radio, internet, or in my church. Remember that it is by faith in Christ's grace that I'm saved, not of works (Ephesians 2:8-9).


Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice in the Lord.

Beware of false teachers, wolves in sheep's clothing.


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