March 30, 3018
Happy Resurection Day!
My sister in law, Wanda, experienced Easter early as she went to be with her Lord and Savior on Thursday morning. Thank you for your prayers. Although it is a difficult time in our family, we have peace and assurance of her eternal home in heaven with Jesus. She and my brother would have celebrated 45 years of marriage had she live through next month. Please pray for strength in Monday as we lay her body to rest.
This weekend is a time we set apart to worship our Risen Savior Jesus Christ. Such love I cannot comprehend as He suffered the beatings, ridicule, and pain on the cross to bare my sins and yours. He did that so we do not have to pay for our sins, as He became our Sacrificial Lamb.
Won't you trust Jesus as your Savior today if you have not yet? Simply as Jesus to forgive you of your sins and be the Savior of your life.
What a wonderful Savior is Jesus! We become joint heirs with Him in heaven, as He sits on the throne. Praise You Jesus!
Renew us once again.
Just think, one day we will meet in heaven and worship together. Glorious day!
Check back on Tuesday as we continue in Psalms, but my sister will be leaving then so it may not happen.
Love ya'll.
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