Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Foolish

O. T. #1181 "The Foolish"
April 3, 2018
Psalms 14
They will be filled with terror, for God is with those who are righteous. Psalms 14:5


Good morning everyone. It seems like a month since we met for Bible study. Thank you for your prayers for my family as we went through the death of my sister in law. She had an early Easter, going to be with the Lord Jesus. Though we miss her greatly, is not suffering as she was here. Her healing was ultimately. One day we will be with here in heaven.


God is with the generation of the righteous. So those who attack God's followers may be attacking God Himself. To attack God is absolutely futile (Ps. 2:4-5, 10-12) (Life Application Study Bible)
Do you feel like you are loosing the battle? We can be absolutely sure that our ultimate victory is in God. He has promised to be a present refuge for the righteousness. When evil presses in, God is our secure place, our hope.

In verse 7, Zion was the place on earth where God was pleased to reveal His presence, protection, and power. (Psalms 3:4; 20:2; 128:5; 132:13; 134:3) MacArthur

Jesus will return to earth at Mt. Zion, Jerusalem. What a day that will be! All will see Him. Are your loved ones ready?


Reading this short chapter, we find that David shows a distinction between those who worship God and those who refuse to worship God. David worshiped God, and under his leadership, Israel obeyed God and prospered. However, several hundred years later, Israel forgot God. It became difficult to distinguish between idol worshipers and God's followers. In Isaiah53:6, the prophet spoke of people (the Israelites) who had gone astray, as David did here. In Romans3:10-12, Paul quoted this chapter. He referred to the straying sheep as all people. the whole human race, Jews and Gentiles, had turned away from God.

David refers to the fool in this chapter. In the Hebrew language, fool is one who is morally deficient,
David describes the fool as:
  • saying in their hearts, "There is no God;" (verse 1)
  • being corrupt and does no good:
  • eating people like bread;
  • wouldn't think of praying to the LORD;
  • frustrating the plans of the oppressed;
There is no one who does good not even one. (verse 3b)
No one is perfect, but Christ. We stand guilty of sin, in need of forgiveness. God wants us to love Him with all our heart and obey His laws. since we fail in obedience, falling short, we must turn to Christ to save us.

The true atheist is either foolish or wicked. He is foolish when he ignores the existence of God. he is wicked because he refuses to love by God's truth.

Jehovah is the One in which we trust our soul. What a wonderful Savior is Jesus!


Repent of my sins.
Trust God to be my refuge.

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