Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Abiding and Dwelling

O. T. #1182  "Abiding and Dwelling"
April 4, 2018
Psalms 15
LORD, who may abide in Your tabernacle? Who may dwell in Your holy hill? Psalms 15:1


Are you abiding with God while here on earth? Are you ready to dwell with Him forever in heaven?
As I read today's Psalm, I thought of my sister in law, Wanda. She was abiding with her Lord Jesus here as she lived 67 years here. Now she is dwelling with Him in her eternal, glorious home in heaven. I don't wish her back to live a life of pain and suffering. So I can be happy for her on one hand, but miss her on the other hand. Greater things are to come for those who believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

In our key verse, the terms tabernacle and holy hill are interchangeable terms which indicate the dwelling place of God and descriptively express intimate fellowship with God. (Jeremiah)

Did you notice the two verbs David used in the two questions?
Abide refers to a sojourner, guest, while dwell means to reside or permanently stay.

We see a progression from a guest to full-time resident in the presence of God. So those questions speak no only of being at home with God on earth but also in heaven. Preparations must be made here in order to live in heaven.


God calls His people to live morally upright. In this song by David, God gives us 10 standards to determine how we are doing in His standard of living for us. Who can abide and dwell with God?
  1. The one who walks uprightly, lives honestly. Uprightly (integrity) refers to being whole, or wholehearted, and sound.
  2. They work or practices righteousness. It shows one is right standing with God and fellow humans.
  3. They speak the truth in their heart, from a sincere heart.
  4. He does not backbite or slander with his tongue. Slandering means to wonder about on the tongue. This pictures on who walks about, pouring out verbal venom, poisoning others behind their backs.
  5. He does not harm his friend.
  6. He does not discredit his neighbor nor do them harm.
  7. This one does not despise a vile person. The vile person is literally a worthless reprobate, totally disinterested in spiritual things.
  8. He honors those who fear the LORD, who are faithful followers of Jesus.
  9. He keeps his word, no matter the cost.
  10. He does not take a bribe against the innocent.
The one who does these will never be moved.(verse 5)
Such people will stand forever, those who live this way.
Oh my, do I fall short in practicing the items in this list. I have some homework laid out for me to do.

Brother Jerry Falwell said, "When a man lives righteously, there is no storm that can uproot him from the soil of God's service."


Help me Jesus to love You wholeheartedly and love my neighbor as myself.
Help me to stand strong in faith, abiding with You.
Thank You Jesus for providing me with an eternal home where I can dwell with You forever.

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