Monday, January 30, 2017

Set and Seek

O. T. #915  "Set and Seek"
January 30, 2017
1 Chronicles 22-Part 3


King David was in his seventies now whenever he charged his son Solomon to be strong and of good courage as he blessed the next king over Israel. He asked God to give Solomon wisdom and understanding.

Then in verse 17 we read, David also commanded all the princes of Israel to help Solomon his son...

Because Solomon was young and inexperienced (20's or 30's), David knew he could not accomplish such a large task alone, but would need help to complete the new Temple. So David enlisted the loyalty and help of his leaders to transfer their loyalty to Solomon. He is noted for having built such  an excellent magnifical Temple, called Solomon's Temple. Another thing we recall notable of Solomon is his being the wisest man on earth, that God developed.

Do we give our allegiance to our spiritual leaders in Kingdom work? Are we encouraging them to be strong in faith and of good courage? Will we ask God to give them His wisdom and understanding?
If we are leaders, do we ask others to do this?


After David's private charge to Solomon, he addressed the princes of Israel, who included the tribal leaders, civil and military officials.
What did David say to them in the last two verses?
  • The LORD your God is with you.
  •  He has given you peace with the surrounding nations. God handed them over to David and they are subject to the LORD and His people.
  • Now set your heart and your soul to seek the LORD your God. 
  • Arise therefore, and build the sanctuary of the LORD God.
  • Bring the Ark of the Covenant and the holy vessels of God into the house that is built to honor the LORD's name. (NLT and KJV)

All right, folks, it is time for the word nerd.
The word for set (nathan: pronounced naw-tan') in the Hebrew language, has many words to explain its meaning: give, apply, bestow, bring, without fail, lift up, offer, pour, turn, yield.

Seek (darsh: daw-rash') means to tread or frequent; usually to follow (for pursuit or search); to seek or ask; to worship; inquire; make inquisition; question; search.

I don't know about you, friend, but at various times, I go before the Lord with different purposes:
I give my heart and soul in worship of God.
I bring my heart and soul to make inquisition, question, and search of the Lord His will.
I lift up my heart and soul in search of Him, whenever He seems so far away.
I pour out my heart and  soul to God.
I yield to follow Him.

Then we are to rise and do His will, follow His instructions, go as He leads my heart.

Here's some wise words found in Life Application Study Bible:
David learned it takes total dedication to please God-obeying with heart and soul. This requires both right decisions (good judgment) and right attitudes (strength, courage, enthusiasm). It isn't enough to understand what God wants; your heart must be totally dedicated to Him. Remove the distractions that pull you from God, and serve Him wholeheartedly.


Daily set my heart and soul to seek the LORD my God.

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