Thursday, January 19, 2017

Mighty Things

O. T. #98  "Mighty Things"
Jan. 19 2017
1 Chronicles 18
Oh, please help us against our enemies, for all human help is useless.
With God's help we will do mighty things, for He will trample down our foes.  Psalm 60:12 NLT


David knew who gave him and his army victory over their enemies and developed Israel into an empire. God did it. He also knew that human help was useless without God. With God's help we can do mighty things, like David. Do you need His help today?

Here we read of the summary of David's military victories and the spoils he collected from the:
  • Philistines (verse 1)
  • Moabites (verse 2)
  • Syrians (verses 3-11)
  • Edomites (verses 12-13).
These verses correspond with 2 Samuel 8, with a few variations and minor additions. As David defeated Israel's enemies, he conquered their land, also.

David fulfilled the promise God had given to Abraham-that his descendants would eventually occupy the land all the way from the Euphrates River to the Brook of Egypt (Gen. 15:8). David accumulated much of the materials for the building (Temple) and for the utensils (brass, silver, gold) during his lifetime.  (MacArthur)

In verse 7 we read of David taking 1,000 chariots, 7,000 horsemen, and 20,000 footmen. What an addition to his army. These were only taken from the king of Zobah. Others must have been taken from the other nations.  However, did you notice that David did not take the horses to be his? He was obeying God's instructions to Israel's kings in that they were forbidden to take the horses and wives of their enemies for themselves. (Deut. 17:16)

David dedicated the gold and silver unto the Lord that he had brought from these nations. (verse 11)

What mighty things do you need God to do in your life or your family's life?
Do we dedicate our money, possessions, talents and abilities unto the Lord for His use and glory?
Do we acknowledge God's role in our success like David did? Or do we take credit for the work God did?


So David reigned over all Israel, and executed judgment and justice among all his people. (verse 14)

He did what was just and right for all his people. In verses 15-17, we read of a list of David's officials:
  • Commander of the army-Joab,
  • Royal Historian-Jehoshaphat,
  • Priests-Zadok and Ahimelech,
  • Court Secretary-Seraiah,
  • Captain of the King's Bodyguard-Beniah,
  • Chief Rulers-David's sons.
Do we do what is just and right for everyone?


Seek God's help, acknowledging my uselessness and need.

Trust His mighty hand to work on my behalf.

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