Saturday, February 27, 2016

Plan A

O. T. #704  "Plan A"
February 29, 2016
2 Samuel 11-Part 4
Then David sent word to Joab: "Send me Uriah, the Hittite."  2 Samuel 11:6a NLT


As we attended our business conference held in San Diego last week, we stayed in a lovely hotel on the bay front, with our room on the 18th floor. We could look out our window and see so many sights-the beautiful blue bay water, a 2 mile long bridge connecting the land with an island, a ship from Costa Rica unloading truck pods full of Dole fruit at the shipping dock, and palm trees. Also, down below us we had full view of the swimming pools and women sunbathing in bikinis. My husband had to focus on the right views. Like David, he could have been tempted into sin with beautiful women. However, his focus did not end up as David's did. Throughout the day, by focusing on the right views, we learned how those huge pods were unloaded  and placed on the tractor trailer to move into the warehouse. (They used giant claws.) It took two days to unload so many pods, then it was gone. That is how we can enjoy fruit around our country. (I don't know if the fruit was canned before or after shipping it or whether I was fresh fruit.)

It was a one night stand with King David and Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah, a faithful warrior in Israel's army. And she became pregnant with David's child while the wife of another man. We will see how this one sin of David's leads him further down the wrong path.

It was the season for warfare. David was not with his army. He was taking the day off, lounging around the palace. He was not where he was supposed to be. He went walking out on his roof to get some fresh air, to overlook his kingdom, to get a clear mind, or whatever. Then he caught sight of a beautiful woman bathing on her roof and sent for her. Lust turned into adultery. Bathsheba's husband, Uriah, was out in the battlefield during this episode.

David didn't fall suddenly; some chinks had already begun to form in his spiritual armor. Clearly, David realized his God-given privilege. He realized the hand of God was on him. He realized that the Lord's blessing was abundant. But there were areas of private neglect beginning to take their toll. (Swindoll)

2 Samuel 5:13 tells us that David took more concubines and wives from Jerusalem and he had more children. This contradicted God's commands in Deuteronomy 17:14-17, which says the king whom the Lord appointed over Israel was to not have multiple wives for himself.

David was in his fifty's and at an all-time high in his success story. He had money power, authority, and fame. Although, his polygamy eroded his integrity. Those wives and concubines turned the heart of the king from the Lord.
Indulgence was another chink in David's armor. If he had only been where he belonged, with his troops, then the Bathsheba episode would never have occurred.

Swindoll warns us:
  • Our greatest battles don't usually come when we're working hard; they come when we have some leisure, when we've got time on our hands, when we're bored.
  • Ladies should give thought to what they buy and give thought before they buy.
  • Women need to give thought to their actions, dress, looks, and conduct.
  • Men should not linger when they happen upon some alluring object, but turn away and refuse to linger.
  • If you don't run, you will fall. It's only a matter of time. David took a second look, was staring and blinded by desire.

David was not a wild rebel or a sexual pervert, but he was one who fell into a period of sin, and that sin had devastating consequences for his family, his reign, and his nation. We are to take heed lest we fall no matter our age. No one ever gets too young or ever gets too old to fall. (Swindoll)

When faced with situations of two apparent choices, we must not loose sight of what God wants.

Ladies, are we striving to be alluring to only our husband?
Men, are you guarding your eyes, mind, and heart so they are faithful to your wife?
Everyone, are we staying faithful to God and in His Word?
Let's be determined before the temptations come.


Bathsheba is pregnant and sent word to David (verse 5)
What would he do? Her husband was one of David's loyal and mighty warriors out on the battlefield. It would be obvious that the child was not Uriah's. Besides, David's messengers knew what was going on, but kept silent.

Hey now, David's decision could go in either of two directions. First, he could confess his guilt of sin before the Lord God, counselors, and nation. That was the path he should have taken. The other path, which he took, was one of deception and hypocrisy. Choosing to lie and deceive effected David's family in years to come.

What did David do next while traveling on the wrong path? He made several wrong turns:
  • He sends a message to Joab to send Uriah the Hittite to the palace to see him.
  • During a steak dinner or maybe it was mutton, David asks Uriah how the battle, the men, and Joab were doing. It was a pretention of consultation.
  • This first time, David gave Uriah permission to go home and rest, as well as gave him a gift (probably a doggy bag of meat). David was trying to absolve his guilt by giving Uriah the opportunity to be with his wife.
How did David's first scheme, plan A, turn out?
Uriah, the faithful warrior, did not go home. (verse 9)
To David's surprise, Uriah slept at the door of the king's house, not with his wife.
Uriah refused to enjoy the luxury, comfort, and pleasures at home while his army and commander were out in the battle.

Uriah was a foreigner, yet he was loyal to Israel. That made David's double sin all the greater. (McGee)

David tried to make it appear that the child was Uriah's, the husband of Bathsheba. All would have turned out well if that had happened, so David thought. However, his plan A did not go as planned. Did you notice it only took David 6 verses to execute plan A?
Does David have a plan B?

When we follow the wrong path leading to sin, do we use similar methods, which lead us further down the road? Or do we confess our sin, turn around, and get on the right path with God? (The wrong path can lead us to various wrong decisions, not just adultery.)

God forgives sins, friend and throws them as far as the east is from the west and remembers them no more. We are the ones who keep bringing them up and beating our self up with them. Leave them at the cross, covered with the blood of Jesus. God on and live for God on His path. Learn from our wrong paths.


Watch my actions, dress, looks, and conduct so they honor God and are loyal to my husband.

Protect my husband's eyes.

Confess my sins and turn from them.

Stay on the right path God has me on today.

Be careful little eyes what you see, ears what you hear, feet where you go, for the Father up above is looking down on us. Oh be careful!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Dear Friends,
I am flying back home from San Diego on Thursday, February 25, so I am away from my office with commentaries. We have been on a business trip, but enjoyed some sight seeing and history of the city. Inspirational speakers gave me some ideas which can not only be applied in the business world, but also in the spiritual realm, also.

Thank you for being so faithful in sharing the Word with me. We will continue our study with David's arrangements for Uriah on Monday.

Psalm 51: 12 says, Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and make me willing to obey you.

This week, the Lord has been restoring my joy as I have enjoyed the palm trees, the ocean, hearing testimonies of heroic veterans, seen a military base, and getting acquainted with other business owners and Christians around our country. He has blessed me with the sights of His creations of mountains, desert, stingrays, and beautiful flowers and gardens. Also, spending time with my husband, away from the demands and busyness of our schedule.

Now that I am refreshed and ready to return home, and the cold weather. Maybe even some snow, too. Did I say that? Like David, I can says, Have mercy on me, O God, because of your unfailing love. (Ps. 51:1)

How great is His unfailing love. Even when we need restored, His joy, and willing to obey Him, His love is unfailing toward us and for us!

Have a great week end everyone.

In His love,

Weaknesses and Temptations

O. T. #703  "Weaknesses and Temptations "
2 Samuel 11-Part 3
February 25, 2916


None of us are immuned to temptations. It is how we react to them that counts. Even the king of Israel was not immuned while at home in his palace. And neither are we, dear ones.

David sent Joab and his army to battle against the Ammonites, and they were victorious.
Rabbah was an Ammonite capital city about 24 miles east of the Jordan River opposite Jericho.

But David tarred still in Jerusalem. (verse 1)

We aren't told why he did not lead his army as a king was expected to do. If only David had gone that day and every time he should have, then this chapter would have had a different outcome. But he didn't and it didn't.

David was not a youth now, but in his 50's, middle aged. He should have gotten a handle on his weakness by now-women. He had numerous wives and concubines.

In verses 2-4, we read where David saw, sent, and took. He saw the beautiful woman bathing and coveted her. Then David sent for her, and took her as his wife. Bathsheba was subject to the king ad was required to do his bidding. (D. Jeremiah)

However, we do not read where she told him it was wrong in God's eyes to commit adultery and he should not have multiple wives and concubines (Deut. 17:16-17). Did she resist or was she excited to go to the king's bedroom?

In Wiersbe's Expository Outlines on the Old Testament, we read...
It is easy to see how David got into this sin:
  1. he was self-confident, after enjoying victories and prosperity;
  2. he was disobedient, staying home when he should have been on the battlefield;
  3. he was idle, lying in bed in the evening;
  4. he was self-indulgent, giving freedom to his desires when he should have been disciplining himself;
  5. he was careless, allowing his eyes to wander and yielding to the "lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes" (1 John 2:16)


David involved others in his sinful plan. First, he inquired as to who she was. Now, he was told that she was Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam and the wife of Uriah. She was married to one of the bravest and committed men in David's army. He sent messengers to bring Bathsheba to him and David lay with her.

In his book, Temptation, Dietrich Bonhoeffer wisely strides at the heart of the problem that you and I, like David wrestle with.
With irresistible power, desire seizes mastery of the flesh. All at once a secret, smoldering fire is kindled. The flesh burns, and is in flames. It makes no difference whether it is a sexual desire, or ambition, or vanity, or desire for revenge, or love of fame and power, or greed of money...
At this moment God is quite unreal to us. Satan does not here fill us with hatred of God, but with forgetfulness of God... The lust thus aroused envelopes the mind and will of man in deepest darkness. Is what the flesh desires really sin in this case? The Bible teaches us in times of temptation in the flesh, there is one command: Flee!
Everyday we are being tempted in some way or another.
James 4:7 tells us to Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you.
James 1 teaches us about temptation.

Joseph ran when the Pharoah's wife tempted him in the same way as David was. Only Joseph ran away because he could not sin against God. Prepare yourself, ladies and gentlemen. Sadly, we see in our society now days the openness of the temptation to be unfaithful to our spouse. Just because it appears that everyone is doing it, be assured, not everyone is.

Let's remember that grace and mercy and forgiveness are available when we repent of our sins.
It is good that I am reminded of this story as we prepare to go into the big city, stay at a beachside resort, and associate with people of the world.


Purpose right now in my heart to remain a faithful wife with Christian principles.

Keep my eyes open to the temptations around me and my man.

Stay in the Word.

Down and Out

O. T. #702 "Down and Out"
February 24, 2016
2 Samuel 11-Part 2
From the roof he saw a woman bathing; and the woman was very beautiful in appearance. 
2 Samuel 11:2 (NASB)


FYI-Friends, I am going to be in San Diego, CA next week for a business meeting, so I am trying to get all of the lessons done ahead of time. If I don't make it, please join me next Monday.

Believe me, after this lesson, I am evaluating all the clothes I am taking on my trip. I want it to honor God and my husband. I do not want to be a stumbling block to other men while there. My blouses will not be allow my body to be down and out, putting it nicely. If only Bathsheba had done the same.

Late one afternoon, after his rest, King David went walking up on the roof of the palace. Wait a minute. David's army led by Joab was out fighting against the Ammonites. Apparently this chapter took place during the time of chapter 10.

The roof of a house was where people often spent their evenings, in that day. There were no front porches or patios in the rear of their homes. On the flat roof today is where families still gather in the Jerusalem area.

So, can you see David pacing back and forth on top of his roof. Maybe he was wondering how the battle was coming along, if his army was winning. Probably it was heavy on his mind, since he did not go with his men, as he usually did. Was some guilt there too?

What happened next, David's little decisions grew into big mistakes. His life went spiraling down as he looked down and out over his city. Afterwards, he became down and out, alright. Then David's eyes caught sight of a beautiful woman taking a bath on the roof of her house. He finds out that her name was Bathsheba, which is ironic, since she was taking a bath. Let's leave David on his roof, all bug-eyed for a moment and talk about her.

Bathsheba was the unlikely link between Israel's two most famous kings-David and Solomon. She was lover and wife to one, mother to the other. Her adultery with David almost brought an end to the family through which God brought good. Eventually Jesus Christ, the salvation of mankind, was born as a descendant of David and Bathsheba. (Life Application Study Bible)

Neither David nor Bathsheba were where they should have been. Bathsheba could have bathed inside her house instead of up on the roof. Or she could have waited until evening when it was getting close to dark. David should have been out with his army at war. Both decisions were little wrong decisions, which seemed harmlessly unimportant at the time. Yet, they put these two out of their normal place.

Little day-to-day choices prepare us to make the right big choices later. Do we include God in all of our choices? Are we asking Him what He wants us to do today or go today? Do we let our heart lead us astray or in the right way?


Our greatest battles don't usually come when we're working hard; they come we have some leisure, when we've got time on our hands, when we're bored.  (Swindoll)

Perhaps David heard some humming and splashing sown below, just beyond his backyard.

Raymond Brown suggests:
  • Bathsheba cannot be entirely excused of her part in this.
  • She was careless and foolish, lacking in the usual Hebrew modesty, for she would not have washed in a place where she knew she could not be overlooked.
  • From her roof-top she would often have looked out to the royal palace and must have known that she could be seen.
  • If she would have thought seriously about her action she would not have put temptation in David's path.
  • It is not enough merely to avoid sin ourselves.  Christians must ensure that they do not become a stumbling block to others (Rom. 14:12-13).
Ladies, do we give thought to our actions, our dress, our looks, and our conduct? We should not even give a hint of allurement, lest another be tempted. Sure, we have to look longer and more intense for clothing that is modest, but it can be done, can be found. Do we look at our self, before leaving the house and ask, "Am I dressed to honor God and my husband as a godly woman?" Are my girls exposed? Is this too tightly revealing? Is it too short and reveals too much?

That's my soap box. Just as I don't want women causing my husband to lust and sin, in thoughts or otherwise, so I do not want to be the same for another's husband. We don't hear of any girls named Bathsheba, do we?

Okay, we have covered both views of the uncovered woman. Will we influence our girls to honor God in their dressings?


Pass by the mini skirts and low cut blouses, and search for decent clothing for me.

Honor God in my appearance all of the time.

Be alluring to only my husband in private.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Little Decisions, Big Mistakes

O. T. #701  "Little Decisions, Big Mistakes"
February 23, 2016
2 Samuel 11
In the spring of the year, when kings normally go out to war, David sent Joab and the Israelite army to fight the Ammonites.  2 Samuel 11:1 NLT


What are the three things that we remember about David? He killed Goliath the giant, he became king over Judah and Israel, and he committed adultery and murder so he could have Bathsheba as his wife.

We have read about the triumphs of David, but now we see the trouble of David. God raised up David to be one of the great kings of the earth. However, this "man after God's own heart" was a sinner like you and me. David's noted sin led his life into a series of heartbreaks. It is stands out like blackberries in a bowl of ice cream, bitter with the sweet. Scripture doesn't play down his sin, for God calls it sin and David is punished for it. This man brings trouble into his house by one act.

Lest we point our fingers in disappointment toward David, we can find fornication, adultery, and sin in a closet in our own family, whether in the past or the present. So, we will not excuse it, nor enlarge it. We will call it what it is-sin is sin against God, and can be against others, also. God forgives confessed sin. So I am not going to look for any rocks to throw. Stay with me, friends.

Look at verse 1. What time of the year was it? It was the season when kings went to war. What does that mean? It's like the "open season" for hunters in our states. It is the only acceptable and lawful time to hunt and kill certain animals and birds. This protects the animals so the mothers are around to raise their babies. Now, we also have a number that limits the hunter as to how many they can kill in a season, also. This is so protects the hunted, so they do not become scarce. (That was free, in case you don't know how it is for the county folk.)

For a little background and we can better understand, Life Application Study Bible explains the situation:
Winter is the rainy season in Israel when crops are planted. Spring was a good time to go to war because the roads were dry, making travel easier for  troop movement, supply wagons, and chariots. In Israel, wheat and barley were ready to be harvested in the spring. These crops were an important food source  for traveling armies.
David's son Solomon said it well as he wrote Ecclesiastes chapter 3:
For every thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose  under the heaven. (verse 1)

He says there is a time to be born and die; to kill and heal; to break down and build up; to weep and laugh; to mourn and dance; to cast away and gather stones; to embrace and refrain from embracing; to get and loose; to keep and cast away; to rend and sew; to keep silent and to speak; to love and hate; to war and be at peace.

Didn't Solomon pretty well sum up life? He covered all aspects of what we experience.
How do we handle those times? Do we all them to separate us from our God or to bring us closer to Him?


That explains why spring was the time of the year when kings normally go to war. Although, this time, David did not join his troops in battle. No, he sent Joab, his army commander, and his Israelite army to fight the Ammonites. What resulted? They destroyed the Ammonite army and laid siege to the city of Rabbah.

The successful siege put an end to the Ammonites power. From this time on, the Ammonites were subject to Israel. (12:26-27) Life Application Study Bible

Victory was had for Israel, but without David leading. Instead, he was leading them down the path of sin, adultery.

Verse 1 says, However, David stayed behind in Jerusalem.

That was how he made his mistake. Normally, David was leading his army, but this time, for some unknown reason to us, he did not this time. Little did he know at the time that one little decision was going to end up in a big mistake. Whether David was just tired physically or tired of the battles, he still didn't go. I read that he would have been in his 50's by this time. We can speculate down the road, but it really doesn't matter in the scope of things, does it? He chose to stay behind in Jerusalem, in his palace.

There was a time that I was headed down the wrong road due to a little decision, but thankfully, the situation did not end up in a big mistake, and ruin my life, as it could have. God got me out of it before that happened. Thank You God for rescuing me, even when I didn't know I needed it.

Are we aware of how important even our little decisions can be for us? Do we seek the Lord's direction for them? Do we even stop to think that our little decisions can lead to our big mistakes?


Be where the Lord wants me to be.

Seek His will, always.

Consider the little decisions outcomes of what could happen.

Let of the wrong decisions made in the past and life in the present.

Thank You Jesus for Your forgiveness.

Monday, February 22, 2016

In the End

O. T. #700  "In the End"
February 22, 2016
2 Samuel 10-Part 3
After that, the Arameans were no longer willing to help the Ammonites.  2 Samuel 10:19 NLT


What's happening now to David? Another battle for David was foolishly started by the Ammonites. What he meant for good, they took as evil. King Nahash,s father had died and David sent ambassadors to show his sympathy, but they considered that the men were only spying. As a result, the Ammonites shaved half of each of those men's beards and cut off half of the robes, exposing their behinds, which was humiliating.

Then the ammonites realized they had caused David to become angry. So they prepared to protect themselves by hiring Syrian solders (33,000 total) to join their army.

How does word get around back then? It sure seemed to. The Ammonite troops protected the gates of their city while the hires went into the fields to fight.

Hanun didn't admit his fault, but prepared for war instead.

It can be a difficult thing, admitting our wrongs and mistakes, even sins. Do we apologize, seeking peace, or let it go on and on without trying to make amends?

David's army commander was Joab. He told his troops ahead of the battle, Be strong! We must prove ourselves strong for our people and for the cities of God. May the Lord's will be done.
(verse 12)

They should use their minds to figure out the best technique and using their resources. Joab knew the outcome was in God's hands. (Life Application Study Bible)

Are we using our minds and resources to obey God? Do we trust Him for the outcome?


As Joab and the Israeli army advanced toward the hired soldiers in the field near the city of the Ammorites, and the hired soldiers fled away. Seeing them running, the Ammorites ran, too. It doesn't pay to pay someone to do your dirty work, does it? I have seen people do that. They talk about a situation and persuade another person to confront one, being ugly in the approach. Getting chewed out isn't fun, especially when you are in the right in the first place and one will not accept it. In the long scope of it all, God sees all and knows all. He takes revenge for us when we let Him. Usually, it turns out to be harsher than we would have done to get back at them.

Then the Arameans called Syrians, summoned more of their troops across the Euphrates River. This time David led his troops into battle, but the Arameans fled. David's forces killed 7,000 charioteers and 40,000 foot soldiers. This resulted in the Arameans surrendering and becoming servants of David. After that, the Armeans would not help the Ammonites.

God gave Israeli army victory so they returned back to Jerusalem.

Sometimes you have to stand up against the wrong, even if you are alone, even if the opposition is strong. With God on our side, we will be victorious in the end.


Stand strong in the Lord.

Be courageous and fight for God's will to be done.

See God fight for me, and give Him the glory for the victory.

Friday, February 19, 2016


O. T. #699  "Sympathy"
February 19, 2016
2 Samuel 10
So David sent ambassadors to express sympathy to Hanun about his father's death.
2 Samuel 10:2 NLT


We all go through it-times of pain, emotional upset, even loosing a loved one. We remember those who took time to show their love to us in various ways of their sympathy. David tried to show his, but it was not accepted.

Before we get into the details of this battle between Israel and the Ammonites, let's look at the background of these people with assistance from some Bible scholars.

Nahash was the king of the children of Ammon, who had besieged the city of Jabesh-Gilead. Then Israel's King Saul conquered it  out of  the their hands in an earlier time (1 Samuel 11:1). Apparently Nahash had helped David during the time David was running for his life from Saul when they were mutual friends. Later on, after David had been reigning in all of Israel and Judah, Nahash died. (Falwell)

It is implied that David and Nahash had entered into a covenant relationship, on the basis of which David desired to communicate his continuing loyalty to Nahash's son Hanun. (MacArthrur)

So David sends his condolences by way of ambassadors to Hanun, King Nahash's son.
Here are some descriptive words that are used to describe this act of David as:
  • genuinely sympathetic and peaceful,
  • kindness,
  • a friendly gesture of goodwill and peace.
When someone passes away, we usually show sympathy towards the family in some way or another. It is a custom in my locale that we send flowers  to the funeral and/or fix food and take to them, visiting, as well as sending a card. Also, the church provides the family with a dinner on the day of the funeral. Those are ways we show our love and kindness to those hurting.

How do you show sympathy to the family of one who has passed away? Do we go with compassion, a listening ear, arms of love, and tender words? These are more personal than food and flowers.


Well, David's act of kindness was completely misunderstood. Some of the Ammonite princes accused David's men of coming to spy out the city so they could come in and conquer it. So Hanun seized the messengers and did an awful thing to them. They shaved off half of each man's beard, cut off their robes at the buttocks, and sent them back to David in shame.

What was intended to be a trip of peace turned into one of shame. The peaceful messengers were treated with mistrust and contempt by the Ammonites.

This was one of the most humiliating things he could have done. Even today the Orientals would consider this an unthinkable indignity. It would be like shaving a woman's head. (Falwell)

Shaving one's beard was supposed to be a voluntary act reserved for times of mourning (Is. 15:2; Jer. 41:5; Ez. 5:1). Prisoners of war had their garments cut off (Is. 20:4).  The war with the Ammonites was foolishness. David did not provoke it, but the Ammonites started it by disgracing the Israelite ambassadors.  (D. Jeremiah)

David was again understanding. When word came to him about this, he sent messengers to tell those men to stay at Jericho until their bears grew out and then return home. He knew they felt deep shame because of their appearance. (verse 5)

How do we react when others have been mistreated? Are we sympathetic or think they deserve it?


Let go of self-centeredness and think of others.

Show God's love and comfort for those hurting.

Go to the hurting.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Meat and Potatoes Vs. Soul Food

O. T. #698  "Meat and Potatoes Vs. Soul Food"
February 18, 2016
2 Samuel 9-Part 3
And from that time on, Mephibosheth ate regularly at David's table, like one of the king's own sons.  2 Samuel 9:11


Meat and potatoes are my kind of food, now. Especially if it is a roast with carrots, too. Yum!  But it only satisfies the body. We are hungry for something more.What can satisfy the soul? We need some soul food for that. Feet and tables will do it. Yep, that's what I said, feet and tables instead of meat and potatoes. Find out more as you join me at the Master's table...

Before we move on, there were a few more lessons and spiritual truths which I wanted to share. As we have previously noted, Mephibosheth was King Saul's grandson, and heir to the throne of Israel, but David did not desire to kill the young man who would have been a rival to his throne.
It was such an unusual thing, for a king to invite this man who was such. However, he was also the son of David's best friend. With the love for his friend in his heart, David wanted to share it with Meph by welcoming him to his table to eat daily as a son.

With that said about the king's table, David's table, I realized this is not the only table mentioned in the Bible. (Women like an attractive dinner table.)
In the New Testament, here are some other tables mentioned:
  • Matthew 15:27-A Canaanite woman asked Jesus to help her daughter who was demon possessed. When He did not answer her, the mother mentions that the dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their master's table. Jesus, seeing her great faith, held the girl.
  • Matthew 21:12-As Jesus entered the city of Bethphage, He was praised along the way. Then upon entering the Temple, He encountered the moneychangers selling doves for offerings. Jesus turned the tables over because they were making a profit instead of making the Temple a house of prayer.
  • Luke 16:21-Jesus tells about the rich man and a poor beggar Lazarus who had sores. Lazarus desired to be fed with the crumbs that fell from the rich man's table, although it did not happen before they both died. You can read the rest of the story.
  • Luke 22:21-Jesus was with the 12 apostles in the upper room eating the Passover together. He says that the hand of His betrayer was at that table
  • Luke 22:30-Jesus tells His disciples that they will be with Him in God's kingdom (heaven) and would eat and drink at His table.
  • 1 Corinthians 10:21-Paul tells this church that they cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of devils, nor partake of the Lord's table and the table of demons, too. He continues to say that things are permissible but not everything is beneficial.

Which type of table do we eat at or desire to eat?
I appreciate your faithfulness in joining me as we eat at our Master's table, sharing spiritual food together. There is always a luscious crumb that I receive for the day.


Now that the table's set, shall we dine?
What was the challenge that Mephibosheth faced daily, throughout the day? He was crippled in both feet. He had to have some form of assistance in order to move around. I don't know that they had wheelchairs in that time or not, but he had to depend on others for help, at any rate.

In J. Vernon McGee's commentary, First and Second Samuel, he brings out these points from this chapter:
  1. A child of God recognizes that he is also a cripple in God's sight. Our feet have led us astray, as in Isaiah 53:6.
  2. David extended kindness to Mephibosheth for the sake of Jonathan. God has saved us because of another-the Lord Jesus Christ. We are accepted in the beloved, according to Ephesians 1:6.
  3. David said nothing about the lame feet of Mephibosheth. God forgives our sin because it is blotted out by the blood of Jesus. They will be remembered no more (Heb. 10:17).
  4. Mephibosheth said nothing about his lame feet. What do you think the two men talked about when they sat at the table. Probably it was Jonathan, the one whom they both loved. Do we Christians delight talking about the one who accepts us as we are, to eat at His table?
  5. Others said nothing about Mephibosheth's lame feet. There was a large company that ate at the king's table. Their hearts went out in love to this young man. Love bears all things, endures all things. Love never fails. (1 Cor. 13:7-8).
Christ is sending out an invitation today into the highways and by ways and out into the streets of our towns. "Come to My table of salvation just as you are, crippled, and I will give you rest," is the message. "If any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink," Jesus said in John 7:37.

When we fail in our walk, we can turn to Christ for forgiveness and acceptance.
His love never fails, never gives up, never runs out on me. On it goes...(as the song says).
His mercy is new every morning. His loving kindness never ends.

Those meat and potatoes were too good to pass up. I just had to share them from His table.


Come, though crippled with sin, to the Lord's table for an extra serving of grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness.

Eat daily at the Master's table-God's Word.

Share with others this good soul food.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Eating at the King's Table

O. T. #697  "Eating at the King's Table"
February 17, 2016
2 Samuel 9-Part 2
And Mephibosheth, who was crippled in both feet, lived in Jerusalem and ate regularly at the king's table.  2 Samuel 9:13


I recall the special holidays growing up when Mom would serve a bountiful meal on a beautifully set table. She had the white lace tablecloth, china, silverware, glass glasses (not crystal, though). There would be a large roasted turkey, homemade rolls, many choice vegetables (usually our favorites), a salad or two, topped off with homemade pies and cakes.
Now hat I have inherited all those utensils, I don't use them anymore. Shame on me. It seems that I didn't inherit the love of cooking from her. I have let my health issues get me down and used them for excuses of not entertaining guests for dinner. Maybe it is time to change all of that. I could begin with my family and extend to others. Hmm.
Well, David sat at the king's table, for he was the king of Israel. He had guests included at his table for dinner, also. Shall we pull back the dinning room curtains and peek inside?

If you have been following us regularly, you will know the answer to this question. Who is Mephibosheth? In case you are a new visitor, I will review. He was the only living son of Jonathan and grandson of King Saul of Israel. King David had promised his best friend Jonathan, when they were lads-David would remember Jonathan's family when he was gone. David intended on keeping that promise. And so he did.

In this chapter, we read where David sent for that son, Mephibosheth. There was something unique about the young man, he was crippled in both feet. It happened when he was a child and his nurse dropped him while fleeing to protect the boy's live. Now years have passed and David is on the throne of Israel, resting from his battles.

David recalled his promise, inquired of his servant Ziba (who had been Saul's servant also) as to any living relatives of Jonathan. I wonder if David had been sitting reminiscing about the old days. Anyway, Ziba knew who and where the guy lived that was Jonathan's son. Mephibosheth was brought into the presence of the king.

Meph was afraid fro his life, which would have been acceptable for David to take, so no rivals of past kings would rise up against him. However, David was merciful and gracious to Meph. He gave Meph all the possession that belonged to King Saul, his grandfather. That included land, which resulted in great riches for Mephibosheth and his family. Ziba's sons were given to Meph as his servants, also.

So Meph moved to Jerusalem. He and his family ate at the king's table like a son of David. Can you see David's family sitting around that very large table? The table could have been very eloquently set with silver utensils or just plainly set with simple ones.

The dinner bell rings and here come the family and guests. Do you see Ammon, a witty and clever son who comes in first? Then there is Joab, the muscular soldier and captain of the army, followed by Absalom, the most handsome son. Now comes the beautiful  daughter Tamar, along with Solomon, who had been studying.

That's not everyone. Listen, do you hear it? Clump, clump, clump, clump and no one looks up because they knew it was Mephibosheth (and his son) entering. They were used to the sound of his entrance. Meph smiles and takes his seat at the king's table as one of his sons. Then the tablecloth of grace covers his feet. With everyone there, they bow their heads as King David gives thanks to his God for all the blessings visible before him at the table. (Being the author of many Psalms, it probably was not a short prayer.)  What a sight to have seen. This would have been a regular and familiar scene. (Thanks to Charles Swindoll for some of the descriptions.)

Who do we invite to our table to eat with us? Are we inviting others to dine with us at the Lord's table on Sundays in worship?


What can we learn from this biblical story about a cripple?
Charles Swindoll explains in his book entitled David:
  • Mephibosheth had nothing, deserved nothing, could repay nothing, in fact, he didn't even try to win the king's favor. He was hiding from the king. The same is true of us. We deserved nothing, had nothing, and could offer God nothing. We were hiding when He found us. Grace. That's what God does for us, demonstrating love and forgiveness we can't earn, don't deserve, and will never be able to repay. God takes us just as we are, crutches and hang-ups and liabilities, and all.
  • David took this broken, handicapped person from a hiding place where there was no pastureland and brought him to the place of plenty, right into the very courtroom of the king. God has brought us to a place of fellowship with Him.
  • David adopted Mephibosheth into his family, and he became one of the king's sons. This is what God has done for the believing sinner-adopted us into His family.
  • God chose us in our sinful and rebellious condition and in grace took us from a barren place and gave us a place at His table. And, in love, allowed His tablecloth of grace to cover our sin.
Can you feel the Father's love? Have you experienced His grace. It is so amazing!

For a few minutes or hours, let go of the busy to-do list and focus on getting to The Table, His Table-The Word of God.

Daily sit at God's table, covered with His grace, feeding on His Words of Life.

Be filled with His love, His grace, His mercy, His loving kindness.

Drink from the Living Water.

Invite others to dine with me at the Master's Table.

Thank God for His Grace!

Act like a child of the King today.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

A Warm Reception

O. T. #696  "A Warm Reception"
February 16, 2016
2 Samuel 9
David said, "Greetings, Mephibosheth." 2 Samuel 9:6


Welcome, friends. Have a seat and make yourself comfortable. Would you like any refreshments before we begin feasting at God's table today? I hope you brought a big appetite.
Can you feel the warm reception of love when you enter one's house and they greet you at the door with a welcome? That is why I don't holler, "Come on in." Instead, I get up and go to the door and smilingly welcome my friend inside. God is that way to us as we enter the throne room in prayer. David did so toward Saul's grandson in our lesson today.

What a beautiful story this is. In that time, most kings would attempt to wipe out, banish, kill, any descendants of the previous king whenever they took over a throne. David was the exception. He wanted to show kindness (chesed) to anyone left inking Saul or Jonathan's family.

Chesed is better translated love. The same word is frequently used of God's undeserved love and care to us as His people.

In showing love to Jonathan's son, David is portrayed at his best. David did not forget his oath to his friend Jonathan.(1 Sam. 20:42). Since God had been so good to him, he wanted to show love to the descendants of Jonathan. This was unusual.

So David asked his servant Ziba for any information concerning this. He asked the right man, because Ziba knew exactly who it was, Jonathan's son who was crippled, lame in boot feet.(verse 3) Not only did Ziba know the young man's name, Mephibosheth, he also knew exactly where he was and that he was still alive.

This must have excited David. His friendship and love for Jonathan could be revived through his son. so David sent for him, Mephibosheth, to come to see the king. However, Meph did not deserve such.

Do you see a similarity we have here? When sin has us crippled, God sends for us, bids us to come into the King's palace and family. It happens when we are so undeserving, in filthy rags of sin. Yet He bids us to come. He is ready to show us chesed, loving kindness.

Will we show this loving kindness to others?


Mephibosheth had about a 10 mile ride to visit King David. When he arrived, Meph bowed low to the ground in deep respect for the king of Israel. Don't you know this man was a bit apprehensive in all of this? It could have been a false pretense sending for him so the king could show him kindness. "Off with his head," could have been commanded and it would have been so. However, that was not David's intention at all.

Meph received a warm reception from King David. His servants must have been helpful, too.

What happens as Meph is in the presence of King David?
David tells Mephibosheth:
  • to not be afraid, which would have been a natural reaction to being summoned by a king;
  • that he intends to show kindness to Meph because of his promise to Meph's father, Jonathan;
  • he will give all the property (land) to him that belonged to his grandfather Saul;
  • that he will eat with David at his table.
How did Meph react? He respectfully bowed low again and asked, "Who is your servant, that you should show such kindness to a dead dog like me?"

David desired to honor Mephibosheth by bringing him into the royal palace and providing for his daily needs (2 Kings 25:29). (MacArthur)

A dead dog was considered contemptible and useless. Meph saw himself as such in that he knew that he had not merited David's kindness and that there was no way for him to repay it. David's offer was an extraordinary expression of grace and beauty to his covenant with Jonathan. (MacArthur)

Expecting to be executed, Meph was shown kindness by the king. Friends, we are like Meph. We don't deserve the loving kindness of mercy and grace that God shows us dead dog sinners. But when we repent, seeking His forgiveness, God forgives us. As if that were not enough, He goes the beyond and brings us to his table to eat (spiritually). He adopts us as one of His children and we can talk to our Heavenly Father because King Jesus has made the preparations. Now that is a warm reception in my book!

Yes, yes Lord. Amen.

Lord, bid me come dine at Your table of grace and mercy, filled with loving kindness. Send me out to share it with a hungry world. Let me take this unending love and amazing grace to those hungry for it. Show me how to bring them to Your banqueting table.


Daily feast on God's Word for my spiritual food.

Digest it by applying it in my life.

Give it away-grace, mercy, loving kindness to others.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Being Short Can be an Advantage"

O. T. #695  "Being Short Can be an Advantage"
February 15, 2016
2 Samuel 8
So David reigned over all Israel, administering justice and righteousness for all his people.
2 Samuel 8:15


There are times that it is to ones advantage that you are short in stature (rarely). I find it so when standing up on an airplane. While others have to bend their head down over the seat, I can stand tall without bumping mine. I have noticed others that are short like me (4'10"). Just this week a lady was in a local store. I started to say something to her, but decided against it. She may have been offended, since I was a few inches taller. Also, a nurse told me her mother was the same height as I am after she asked how tall I was. I wasn't embarrassed but proudly told her. And then, there are the famous short people with their own tv shows. Well, for some reason, David decided to spare the lives of the short soldiers in today's story.

If you like to explore new lands and new areas, then you will enjoy reading this chapter. Apparently the events in this chapter occurred before those in chapter 7. In 7:1 we read where David rested from his enemies. It is easier to keep up with all the conquering if you use a map. There we can see the expansion of David's kingdom under the hand of the Lord in all directions from Jerusalem.
David wanted to complete the conquest of Canaan begun by Joshua. David enlarged and expanded the borders of Israel through his leadership. God fulfilled HIs promise to David back in the previous chapter.

The three enemies which David conquered were:
  1. The Moabites-were the descendants of Lot and a result of incest with his daughter (Gen. 19). David's great-grandmother Ruth was a Moabitess. David spent some time there avoiding Saul in this territory where the Philistines lived. They posed a constant military and religious threat to Israel. Davd took the Moabite soldiers who were shorter than a cord tall as his servants, as well as the Ammonites, and Arameans.
  2.  King Hadadezer of Zobah-whose defeat fulfilled God's promise to Abraham that Israel would control all the land as far north as the Eurphrates River (Gen 15:18).
  3. The Edomites-were descendants of Esau (Gen. 36:1) and archenemies of Israel (2 Kings 8:20). God told Israel to leave them alone (Deut. 2:4-5), because they were relatives, but Edom refused to allow them to pass through their land as the traveled to the Promised Land. The Edomites and Israelites shared the same border and ancestor Issac. However, Israel looked down on them since they intermarried with the Canaanites.
[References: Life Application Study Bible and The Jeremiah Study Bible]

That background gives us a better understanding as to why these military victories were such an achievement. Are we hanging onto a special promise in God's Word? He is faithful, friends, so keep holding on. We may not see it come to pass in our lifetime, but our descendants may.


David took the gold shields and bronze items from the spoils of the conquered enemies and levied a tax, tribute for the Israeli government to show their control. Later, Solomon gave the gold and silver to the priests to build the Temple of God (1 Kings 7:51)

David's purpose was to conquer and his son's purpose was to build the Temple. As David did so, he used the materials of his enemies to store up for the beautiful place of worship and the Ark of God to be housed.

Do we use he things we have for God's use and glory?

If I give all my possessions away to feed the poor, yet have not love, it profits me nothing, according to 1 Corinthians 13:3.

Verses 15-18 lists the positions David appointed and names the men who held them in his kingdom. Everyone has an important job to do, whether it is in the king's court or in the fields.


Use whatever I have for the Lord's work and glory.

Be happy with my height or shortness, for God made me this way for His honor.

Be grateful for all things.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day everyone! May you feel the love of the Lord Jesus today!

Let me challenge you to allow the love of Jesus flow to others today.


Friday, February 12, 2016

When Our Plans Don't Go As Planned

O. T. #694  "When Our Plans Don't Go As Planned"
February 12, 2016
2 Samuel 7-Part 5
Oh LORD, there is no one like You. 1 Chronicles 17:20 NLT


Plans. How do we react when our plans don't go as we planned? Do we become bitter or do we remain a faithful servant of the Lord? 
Our plans don't always go our way. God works things out according to His will, not ours.
I always dreamed of serving in a large church, but God kept us in small, country churches. His people there were just as important to Him there as those as in the larger church. Being country folks, we realized they were to whom we best related. God knew it all along. Be happy where He puts you is a lesson I learned along the way.
David's plans didn't go his way concerning the building of the Temple for God. How did he react?

We will finish David's prayer of thanksgiving. He is declaring how great his Sovereign LORD is and how great the things which He has done.

In verse 25, David proclaims:
  • himself as God's servant. (verse 25) Isn't that encouraging that a king of such a great nation would say this?
  • that His name shall be honored forever as people say, "The LORD of Hosts is God over Israel." (verse 26) Oh, that nations would say that about our country!
  • He is God and Sovereign LORD. (verse 26)
  • His Words are true. (verse 28)
In verse 26, KJV uses the word magnified instead of honored. Magnified means excellent, lifted up.

Are we always lifting up the excellent name of our Lord God? I noticed a difference in two Bibles. David refers God to LORD God in King James Version and Sovereign LORD in New Living Translation. Either name lifts up his God.


David is God's king, God's servant, who is used by God to save God's people for God's own glory. (Falwell)

David refers to himself as "Your servant" 10 times in this prayer to God. Later, David is referred by God as "My servant David."
David's prayer indicated that he fully accepted by faith the extraordinary irrevocable promises God made to David as king and to Israel as a nation. (MacArthur)

David desires God's will to be done in his life, his family's life, and his nation's life.

The MacArthur Bible Commentary explains the parts of the Davidic Covenant:
  1. God will appoint a place for His people. (verse 10)
  2. God will arrange for the permanence of His people. (verse 10)
  3. God will prevent oppression from His people's enemies. (verse 10)
  4. God will set up the Davidic dynasty-the house of David. (verse 12)
  5. God will establish the Davidic kingdom. (verses 12, 13, 16)
  6. God will ensure the certainty of the Davidic throne. (verse16)

Do we know some of the promises of God in His Word? He is faithful to keep them. We may not see them com to fruitition for a while, but it is in His timing.

David's dream of building a Temple for his Lord was not to be fulfilled by David, but his son Solomon. So David supported his son's work by supplying the lumber, stones, nails, and all the materials needed for such a feat. David backed off, didn't throw a fit, demand his own way in the matter, nor did he get bitter. No, he magnified God through the efforts of another. David embraced God's alternate plan with all his might.

When God says "no," it means He has a better way, and He expects me to support it. My very best reaction is cooperation and humility. (Swindoll)


Be a humble servant as David.

Trust the Lord's Word to be truth.

He keeps His promises, so wait for them in my life.

Seek His plans.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Sing About Love

O. T. #693  "Sing About Love"
February 11, 2016
2 Samuel 7-Part 4
Who am I, O LORD God? and what is my house, that thou hast brought me hitherto?
2 Samuel 7:18


I love it when my husband writes me a poem or sings me a song with his guitar. I feel the love coming from his heart to me. Anyone can buy a card from a store, but special ones are homemade. We realize that the giver took time to do it. I think of this since Valentine's Day is coming soon. In fact, I told him that we should not give gifts to each other this year since we are going on a business trip to California in 10 days. I am think about the two of us walking along the beach reminiscing about our 43 years of marriage. That's my idea of love. David must have felt God's love when he heard the promises God made to him. Often David sang about God's love. Look closer with me.

David was told that not he but one of his sons would build the Temple for God to dwell. Then he goes and sits before the Lord. Instead of David building an earthly temple, God would bless him with an eternal kingdom and one of his descendants would always be on the throne of Israel. Can it get any better than this?

Stay with me in this lengthy part, but I like the different versions. Some leave out while others explain this passage better than others. In verses 18-29, we read of David's prayer of thanksgiving:
  • Who am I and my family that you have brought me this far? (NLT) (verse 18) From the sheep pasture to a throne David has come. He does not forget his roots. The KJV uses the word hitherto instead of far. Hitherto means here, thither in the Hebrew language. Webster's Dictionary defines it as up to this or that time. Dream or no dream, David acknowledged that he was a blessed person. This is more evidence that he is a man after God's own heart.
  • David says that this was yet a small thing in God's sight. (verse 19) No biggy; no big deal; just a little thing for God to arrange. Our God loves giving to his children.
  • In addition to everything God had already done for David, He was going to give David a lasting dynasty. Don't we pray for God to save our grandchildren's grandchildren and use them in His ministry?
  • Do you deal with everyone this way, O Sovereign LORD? (verse 20 NLT) Is David picking up on the fact that he is a special and chosen child of God?
  • He recognizes that God has spoken of the distant future.
  • What more can David say to God. He knows David's heart. (verse 20)
  • For the sake of Your word and according to Your will, You have done this great thing and made it known to your servant. (verse 21 NIV) 
  • It is God's promise in the Davidic Covenant that He will do these great things, not only for David but also for Israel. David was grateful that God made known these things to him.
What a prayer so far! David is humbled, admits and confesses the greatness of His God. He knows that the things God does is only a small thing to Him, although it was an extremely huge thing to David. It sounds like he realizes how blessed he is in comparison to others. God could have chosen someone else to bring Judah and Israel together, to defeat their enemies, to keep Israel's possession of their Promised Land, and to reign as their king. but God chose David, a man after God's own heart.

Do you feel the love between David and God? Oh, to have just 25% of that relationship. Yet, God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Why can't we have 100% ? It is available to us, so it is you and me who keep it from being.

The love of God, how rich and pure, how measureless...
His love never fails, it never gives up, it never runs out on me....
Praise the Lord! We love You!!!
He gave His life for us to show us His loving heart. Will we give our life in His service to show our love to our Savior?


David called God Sovereign Lord 6 times in the NLT. That means David acknowledges God as being The One in control of all things, who He is and what He can do.
David says:
  • How great He is. (verse 22 NLT)
  • There is no one like God. (verse 22)
  • They had never even heard of another God like Him. (verse 22)
  • What nation on earth is like Your nation Israel? (verse 23)
  • What other nation has He redeemed to be His own people?(verse 23)
  • God redeemed them from slavery in Egypt. (verse 23)
  • He performed awesome miracles and drove out the nations and gods that stood in their way. (verse 23)
  • He made Israel His own people forever. (verse 23)
  • And He became their God. (verse 23)
Such a powerful prayer of David's. Is David singing God's praises here, I wonder. Does God feel our love when we sing praises to Him? I think so, friend. How often do we? David did in Psalm 44:1-8.

Redeem is used in verse 23 (KJV) and means to ransom, release, preserve, deliver by any means.

Jesus is our Blessed Redeemer who died on Calvary, One who knew no sin, died in our place so we do not have to pay for our sins. Such a love gift! A gift of love!

Has Jesus redeemed you from the penalty of your sins?


Thank You Jesus for being my Redeemer.

Please forgive me of my sins.

Thank You for all the blessing You have given me and my family.

Great are You Lord and I pour out my praise on You.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

When We Get a No Answer

O. T. #692 "When We Get a No Answer"
February 10, 2016
2 Samuel 7-Part 3
Because it was in your heart to build a house for My name, you did well that it was in your heart. Nevertheless, you shall not build the house, but your son who shall be born to you, he shall build the house for My name.  2 Chronicles 6:-9


Do you find it hard when you get a "no" to a question or instruction, like me? I like my plans to go the way I want them. It is very difficult when otherwise happens to me. Do I hear amen? If only I could always seek God's ways first, then I would  avoid so many "nos." How did David react when he got a no answer?

David had great plans, but Prophet Nathan told him that he would not e the one to build God's temple. Instead, it would be his son, which turned out to be Solomon. The Davidic covenant that God made with him included David's seed always reigning over Israel. His lineage included the Messiah, King Jesus, who now sits on the throne in heaven.

David submitted wholeheartedly to the will of God unaware of the eternal implications. As a result, the whole world has been blessed, referring to the salvation provided through the seed of David, Jesus Christ the Savior.

Was David disappointed? I tend to think so. However, David was more concerned with God's will being done and God's name glorified than his feelings being hurt or disappointment in the matter. David fulfilled his purpose in life, being that of leading God's people and not building a temple.

Is it hard when we find out that God's plans are not the same as our plans? There have times that my jobs were eliminated, my husband's church field was changed, and doors closed while others opened for us. We may have fulfilled our mission there so we needed to move on. Perhaps Go was protecting us from something which we did not need to be a part of later on down the road. I hoe He will explain it all some day. In the meantime, I live by faith and not by sight.

When our dream, idea, plans, are not in accordance with God's will, how do we react? Do we cheerfully accept the new assignment? Or not? For reassurance read Jeremiah 29:11.

This was more than an idea or project of David's. It was in his heart to build a house for the name of the LORD, the God of Israel. (2 Chron. 6:7-9)

Is our heart sensitive to God's heart? I was as if God was commending David for such a thought. (Swindoll)


Charles Swindoll's book, David, A Story of Passion and Destiny, explains two points for us to learn from this:
  1. When God says "no" it is not necessarily discipline or rejection. It may simply be redirection. I we pursue and want to do God's will, but it doesn't work out, what then? Maybe we mapped out our life but it didn't transpire for some reason. What now? It was well that it was in our heart, but who is to say that it was, in fact, His will. Perhaps the very road you are traveling is God's will. So listen to God carefully day to day. Ask God if that is His plan. If it isn't, ask Him to redirect your life.
  2. God does not call everybody to build temples. He calls some to work in trenches; represent Him on foreign soil. He doesn't call everyone. God has all kinds of creative ways to use us-ways e can't imagine and certainly can't see up there around the next bend in the road. One of the hardest things is to hear that God is going to use someone else to accomplish something you thought was your objective. That's what David had to hear.
Look at our key verse. How was David's posture? He was sitting before the LORD. Was he in his study, his bedroom, in his throne room? No answer to that question. It doesn't matter the "where" but the "how." Like a child, David begins to express grateful questions to the Lord. We will discuss it next time. Are we God's child who sits before Him, listening?


When God's answer to my prayer is a "no," accept it.

Listen and look for God's redirection.

Have a happy heart in serving God where and how I am serving.

Spend my time daily sitting before the Lord.

 *Sorry this is late. Our area is having server problems. I had to drive to the office to type this.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Promises, Promises

O. T. #691  "Promises, Promises"
February 9, 2016
2 Samuel 7-Part 2
I will... verses 9-16


I realize that there are some people who do not keep their promises. However,we can count on God to keep all His promises. I find comfort in that, don't you? David received some promises from God. Let's look at them.

David was at rest with his enemies. David acknowledged to the Prophet Nathan that the palace in which he lived was more elaborate than the tent of curtains in which the Ark of God was located. Nathan gave his approval for David to do whatever to remedy that, but without consulting the Lord for His will in the matter.

David's plans sounded good. Nathan couldn't think of anything better than building a house for God. Yet, he was wrong as to who would be the one God chose to build it. David was not the one, for he was a warrior, a man who had shed blood. We know it was David's son Solomon who carried out his father's plans. It was David who gathered all the materials and made all the arrangements with the contractor. Why do we call it Solomon's temple instead of David's temple?

Anyway, that night the Lord told Nathan what to say to David concerning it. He was to tell David that God had taken him from the sheep pasture, been with him wherever he went, and destroyed his enemies.

Look at all the "I wills" which God said to David:
  • make David's name more famous than anyone who ever lived on earth; (verse 9)
  • provide a homeland for God's people Israel: (verse 10)
  • plant Israel in a secure place where they would never be disturbed; (verse 10b)
  • evil nations would not oppress them as in the past, starting from the time He appointed judges to rule Israel; (verse 10c)
  • He would give David rest over all his enemies; (verse 11)
  • He would make a house of dynasty of kings through David; (verse 11)
  • after David dies, God will raise up one of his descendants, offspring, and make his kingdom strong; (verse 12)
  • this one will build a temple for God; (verse 13)
  • God would secure his royal throne forever; (verse 13)
  • God would be his father and he would be His son; (verse 14)
  • if he sinned, God would discipline him with the rod , like a father would do;(verse 14)
  • God's favor would not be taken from him as with Saul (verse 15)
  • David's house and kingdom would continue before God for all time; (verse 16)
  • David's throne would be secure forever. (verse 16) 
This is what we call the Davidic Covenant. David wanted to build God a house of stone while God was going to build David a royal house. David lineage lead to Jesus Christ, the Messiah, being one of his family members, who is reigning on His eternal throne in heaven. Soon He will reign a thousand years here on earth, upon the throne of David. We see it in Luke 1:32.

In John 1:14, Christ, who is the Word, became flesh and tabernacle, dwelt, among us. He humbled Himself, dwelling in the tabernacle as Israel journeyed through the wilderness. He walked upon this earth as a God man in flesh, and became our sacrifice for our sins. There is no one else who deserves to be sitting upon the throne with God than His Son.

Is Jesus reigning upon the throne of our hearts?


These binding agreements that God would fulfill are called covenants. Some commentaries describe a covenant as promises which God made to His people, while others describe it as a legally binding obligation.
MacArthur tells us of the 5 divinely originated covenants described as everlasting:
  1. Noahic (Genesis 8-9)
  2. Abrahamic (Genesis 17) [descendants would be numerous as the sand, reside in the Promised Land, establish a theocratic nation-land, seed, blessing]
  3. priestly (Numbers 25)
  4. Mosaic
  5. Davidic (2 Samuel 23:5)
  6. and new (Jeremiah 32:40).
Life Application Study Bible lists 7 covenants that God made:
  1. In Eden (Gen. 3:15) where Satan and mankind will be enemies;
  2. Noah (Genesis 9:8-17) where God promised to never destroy the earth with a flood;
  3. Abraham (Genesis 15:12-21,17:1-14) with God making Israel a great nation and be their God forever
  4. At Mt. Sinai (Ex. 19:5-6) if Israel would obey their part then they would be God's special people, a holy nation;
  5. The Priesthood (Numbers 25:10-13) as Aaron's descendants would forever be priests;
  6. David (2 Sam. 7:13. 23:5) would have his line through the Messiah;
  7. New Covenant (Hebrews 8:6-13) with forgiveness and salvation in Christ.
God keeps His Word. We know that is true because of all the fulfillments found in it. We trust Jesus as our Savior, we will have eternal life in heaven. Are we fulfilling our part by obeying His Word?


Keep my promises.

Obey God's Word.

Trust Him to keep His Word.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Jumping in With Both Feet

O. T. #690  "Jumping in With Both Feet"
February 8, 2016
2 Samuel 7
"Look," David said, "I am living in a beautiful cedar palace, but the Ark of God is out there in a tent!"  2 Samuel 7:2 NLT


When we get an idea, do I run with it before consulting God about it? Are we quick to act or slow to listen? Many a time I have jumped in with both feet and hit the floor running. I went ahead and did my own thing without asking God about His thought concerning the matter. Boy, do I get myself in trouble. Then with a sheepish grin, I ask for His help. He is so merciful to bale me out of it. If only  would learn to consult Him first. David seemed to have the same tendency.

I wonder if King David and Prophet Nathan were sitting in lounge chairs conversing out on the patio. At any rate, David was settled in the palace now and the Lord had given him peace from all his enemies. It could have been months or years since David had been on the battlefield. We aren't told. There could have been a restlessness in him. Guys seem to need a project to keep them busy. Idleness is the Devil's playground, so it is said.
Maybe the two men were sipping on tea or goat's milk. Anyway, David has an idea, a noble idea.
He says, "Look, I am living in a beautiful palace, but the Ark of God is out there in a tent!"
Nathan replies, "Go ahead and do whatever you have in mind, for the LORD is with you."

Nathan could have been too obliging to the king. The two didn't have a prayer meeting to ask the Lord His opinion on the subject. David has a good heart. He thinks the Lord's house should be better than the king's house, but it wasn't. Sounds good. Although, Nathan approved David's idea before consulting God.
How often do we do that? We hit the floor running in our own direction without consulting God about it.


David was careful to consult a priest or prophet before he did something. God had always provided a prophet for His kings to communicate His will to the king. Some did not always follow it, though. God sent dreams, visions, the Urim and Thummim of the priests at that time as His means of reveling His will.

Now, God had given David the role of warrior and king, not builder. It wasn't time to build the Temple until after all the battles were won (2 Chron. 6:7-9).

God was more concerned with building up a spiritual kingdom of people. God did not want a permanent temple to be built until the nation of Israel had conquered the Promised Land and was at rest (1 Chron. 6:31). (D. Jeremiah)

How patient are we to wait upon the Lord to inform us of His will in a particular situation?

That night the Word of the Lord came to Nathan revealing:
  • Tell my servant David what the LORD has declared.
  • Is he the one to build a house for God to live in?
  • God had never lived in a house, even from the time He delivered Israel out of Egypt.
  • He had always moved from one place to another dwelling in a tent and Tabernacle.
  • He never once complained to the leaders of Israel's' tribes.
  • The LORD never asked them why they had not built Him a beautiful house of cedar.
  • He took David from tending sheep and selected him to lead His people Israel.
  • He had been with David wherever he had gone.
  • God destroyed all of David's enemies before his eyes. 
Those are things which God had done for David. Can we list things that God has done for us? Do we share them with others so they are encouraged?


Stop living by sight and live by faith in my God.

Seek God's will in all matters.

Wait, listen, and patiently wait upon Him.

Thank God for all He has done.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Welcome Home

O. T. #687  "Welcome Home"
February 5, 2015
2Samuel 6-Part 7


I always kiss my husband bye in the mornings. Guess I haven't given much thought as to how I greet him in the evenings after a long day at work. Usually, I don't say anything. I am busy cooking, on the computer,  whatever, or doing nothing. Sometimes I ask if it is "you." He teases me that it is not "you" but him. " 'You' can leave now," he says. It's an ongoing joke between us. Maybe I should show some delight to see him. Of course, I don't want him to have a heart attack. How can I treat hubby like a king today? Hmm. Time to think about it. Well, poor David was not welcomed home like a king this particular day. Check it out.

David had been seen by his wife Michal dancing and celebrating in the streets of Jerusalem. He had laid aside his royal, kingly robes in exchange for the priestly ephod. His procession brought home the Ark of God, the Ark of the Covenant, and placed it into a special tent he provided. Everyone must have been excited. God was in their presence after 50 years. everyone except Michal.

When David returned home, she didn't greet him with a kiss and share the excitement with David for what he had accomplished. David didn't hear, "Good job, honey."  No, his wife Michal accused him of uncovering himself in the eyes of the maids of his servants and shamelessly uncovering himself.
Shamelessly means  striped, to uncover.  

Lest we think badly of David, too, it was not that he was skipping through town in his skibbies. David traded his king's robe for a priest's robe. Remember, David pictures our Lord Jesus. Not only is Jesus our King of kings, but He is our High Priest, also. He is interceding for us His children to our Father God when we sin, as a priest makes the offering for his people. The difference is that Jesus has already made the blood sacrifice which a Holy God requires.

Well, back to the home scene.
Michal was Saul's daughter and never showed any faith in God. In fact, she had worshiped idols. The Lord didn't lead David to take Michal a his wife. He won her by slaying Goliath (1 Samuel 17:25).She married David "prize" for victory. She was an unbeliever who did not understand or appreciate the things of the Lord (1 Cor. 2:14-16). They both illustrate the battle we have between our flesh and spirit.
Michal wanted David to display his royal power in great pomp and ceremony. He preferred to take his place with the common people and glorify God.
Satan has a "Michal" to meet us whenever we have been rejoicing in the Lord and seeking to glorify Him. (Wiersbe)

How do we welcome our husbands home, cheerfully or discouragingly? When others attend retreats, do we listen to what they have learned or criticize them? Are we watching our words so they are encouraging instead of grumbling and complaining as Colossians speaks about?


Now that we have the picture, look at David's reaction to his wife's criticism:
  • David tells her that what he did was before the LORD, who chose him instead of her father and all his house, to be ruler over Israel, the people of the LORD.
  • Therefore, David would play music before the LORD.
  • He said that he would be more undignified than this time, and he'd be humble in his own sight.
  • Those maidservants would hold David in honor.
Michal appears to be more concerned for her reputation than for the return of the Ark. David came home to bless his household and was instead greeted with sarcastic, biting words from his wife.
(D. Jeremiah)

David realized that Michal would never help him in the work of the LORD; therefore, David put her away and refused to give her the privileges of marriage. (Wiersbe)

Verse 23 says that Michal had no children to the day of her death.
Keep in mind, for a Jewish woman t die without children was a great shame to her. David had great plans to do more for the Lord, even in building a temple for Him. He needed encouragement at home, not discouragement. 

Michal was concerned only about David's outward appearance while David focused on the inward condition of hi heart before God.

Do we honor the Lord regardless of what obstacles Satan may put in our way? How much are we influenced for the bad and not the good things?

Obviously, Michal's words and actions did not please the Lord for she did not have any children during her life. How sad this is. Can you imagine how great it would have been to be the wife of David? Are we supportive of our king in our home?


Forgive and let go of past disagreements, love my husband today and treat him like a king.

Stop grumbling and be grateful.

Show Jesus' love today.

Jesus deserves to be King and on the throne of my heart.


Thursday, February 4, 2016

Our King Knows

O. T. #688  "Our King Knows"
February 4, 2016
2 Samuel 6-Part 6
David appointed...  1 Chronicles 16:4


Who would have thought? Who could have dreamed? Who might have imagined? Looking back at the events, trials, and challenges in my life, I can only shake my head in wonder and point my finger upward. Simply put, it has been God working in our lives. God has provided us with jobs, houses, food, and everything when we needed them. He has blessed us with fantastic children and grandchildren. He is still saving the lost in our family and community. He has given us a beautiful sanctuary in which to worship Him. What a wonderful life we are blessed with today! Who would have thought that God would allow us to come back home, to serve Him here for 18 years, after being gone 17 years serving elsewhere? Although we have made mistakes, failed and sinned, God still picks us up, forgives us, and uses us again for His kingdom work. Our King knows our needs and desires. It is faith in Him that pleases God. Look how He has blessed you today and share with us.
What was happening in Jerusalem? Let's check it out.

In 1 Chronicles 16:1-6, we read that after the Ark of God was placed within the tent David had prepared, after the Israelites made offerings to God, after David passed out bread and cakes, then David appointed certain Levites to lead in worship before the Ark of the LORD. Their names are listed here. I find it fascinating that among the vast tribe of Levite, the king knew these men's names and he knew who could play what instrument well-the cymbals, harps, lyres, and trumpets.

Our King Jesus knows all about us, who we are and the moves we make:
  •  He makes mention of our name and calls us by name, as He did with Prophet Isaiah.        (Isaiah 49:1)
  • He has engraved, cut into, carved, our name upon His palm. (Is. 49:16)
  • He knows when I sit or stand. (Ps. 139:1)
  • He knows my thoughts. (Ps. 139:2)
  • He knows everything I do. (Ps. 139:3)
  • He fearfully and wonderfully made us. (Ps. 139:14)
  • He has set a time for every purpose under heaven. (Eccl. 3:1)
  • Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace, which He has given us in Christ Jesus before the world began. (2 Tim. 1:9)
Friends, our God made us, knows our abilities and inabilities, and has a purpose for our life. Since the Lord knows all about us, He knows where we are needed in His kingdom work.
Are we surrendered to Him to be used for His glory?


Why did David appoint these specific men to lead in worship before the Ark of the LORD?
  • He did so in order to invoke God's blessings,
  • so the Israelites would give thanks to God,
  • and to praise the Lord God of Israel.
Life Application Study Bible gives us this insight:
Certain Levites were appointed to give continually praise and thanks to God. Praise and thanksgiving should be a regular part of our routine, not reserved only for celebrations. Praise God continually, and you will find that you won't take His blessings for granted.

When David finally enquired of the Lord as to His method of transporting the Ark of God to Jerusalem, David was successful in doing so. He was a mighty instrument used to turn the Israelites back to worshiping God.

Can we ever give enough thanks to God? Can we ever praise Him too much? His mercies are new every morning. He gives us life and breath, provides our needs, protects us from harm. How good is our God! Will you join me in praising Him throughout the day today? He is pleased when we honor Him as our God, the God, The Way, The Truth, The Life.


Recognize God as my Creator, Sustainer, Provider, Salvation.

Thank Him for His love, forgiveness, grace, and mercy.

Praise God throughout the day today in songs and words.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Dancing in the Street

O. T. #687  "Dancing in the Street"
February 3, 2016
2 Samuel 6-Part 5
...and saw King David leaping and dancing before the LORD...  1 Samuel 6:16 (LASB)


Have you ever been so filled with the joy of the Lord that you wanted to dance? I recall such feelings when our children got saved, and when we crossed over from our old sanctuary to our new one. Those were such joyful times.

David's procession went for a second time to get the Ark of God, bringing it back to Jerusalem, from the temporary storage at Obed-edom's house.
What are some of the details found in 1 Chronicles 15?
  • The Levites must have taken their golden poles to use in transporting the Ark on their shoulders. (verse 15)
  • Some of the Levites that were singers and musicians lead in the singing of joyful songs along the way. (verse 16) They chose a choir leader, also.
  • Guards blowing trumpets walked in front of the Ark of God. (verse 24)
  • David, the elders, and generals in Israel joined the great celebration parade. (verse 25)
  • They sacrificed 7 bulls and 7 rams along the way because it was evident that god was helping them. (verse 26)
  • Those who dressed in fine linen included David, all the Levites carrying the Ark, the singers and the choir leader. (verse 27)
  • David also wore a priestly garment. (verse 27)
  • So all Israel brought up the Ark of the LORD's covenant with shouts of joy, the blowing of rams' horns and the trumpets, the crashing of cymbals, and loud playing on harps and lyres. (verse 28)
Do we dress in our best when we do to worship the Lord in the church house, or do we go casual and sloppy? Are we honoring God with all of us? I know that God looks upon the heart, but the outward appearance is an indication of the condition of our heart. Are we joyfully singing and playing instruments during worship, or are we solemn?


Getting back to 2 Samuel 6, we find the men carrying the Ark  and when they had gone 6 steps, David  sacrificed a bull and a fattened calf. He must have continued the sacrifices until all 14 animals were sacrificed.
What else did David do?
  • And David danced before the LORD with all his might, wearing a priestly garment. (verse 14)
  • While David danced in the streets of Jerusalem, his wife Michal, daughter of Saul, watched from her window.
  • As she saw King David skipping about and laughing with joy, she was filled with content for him. (NLT, verse 16)
  • The ark was set into the special tent which David had prepared, not the proper tabernacle at Gibeon (1 Chron. 16:39).
David wore the garments of a priest instead of a king. He was not indecently dressed, exposing himself as a vulgar person in front of the servant girls.  David's actions were for the delight of the Lord, not for the maidens.

David offered burnt and peace offerings to the Lord. Then David blessed the people in the name of the LORD of Heaven's Armies. Also, he gave every man and woman in the crowd a loaf of bread, a cake of dates, and a cake of raisins.

Michal may have still been bitter for David taking her away from Phaltiel and bringing her to him (3:16). She found something to criticize because of her motivation resentment. (Falwell)

King James Version says, she despised him in her heart.
Despised, in Hebrew (baza), means to disesteem, despise, contemn, to think to scorn, vile person.

In my words, the woman through water on a king fired up for the Lord.  She didn't have the same love for the Lord as her brother Jonathan had had. She didn't share David's joyful attitude in worship. Maybe she thought his actions and appearance was undignified for a king in public and public worship or showing emotions in others.

How do we respond to our circumstances of life? Do we show faith and joy in the Lord, or despise His workings?  Do we allow others to influence our actions of excitement in public worship?


Sing to the Lord songs of praise in public worship, not being influenced by others around me.

Praise the Lord! Thank You Lord for all Your provisions! Glory to the King of kings and Lord of lords!

Help me to honor You wherever I am.

The joy of the Lord is my strength!