Thursday, November 5, 2015

Empty Chairs and Rocks

O. T. #629  "Empty Chairs and Rocks"
November 5, 2015
1 Samuel 20-Part 4
To morrow is the new moon: and thou shalt be missed, because thy seat will be empty.  1 Samuel 20:18


Have you had an empty chair in your house when a loved one has died or left for a while? I recall how I felt after Dad passed away and our family would eat at the same table with his chair was empty. Also, Dad had his own chair in our living room. It was empty, too. Oh, how I missed him. At first it was difficult to see anyone sitting in his two chairs. Then as time went by, it was easier to cope with these two empty chairs. What a day of rejoicing when I get to sit with both Dad and Mom at Jesus' table in heaven! In today's Bible story, Jonathan had to deal with an empty chair. Can you guess whose it was?

Evidently Jonathan knew in his heart that David was eventually going to become king of Israel. Since the families of the previous king were often destroyed, Jonathan asked David for mercy for his family. They made a covenant (verse 16). Jon transfers his allegiance from his father to his friend. We will read where David kept his promise to Jonathan as he provided for Jon's son Mephibosheth in 2 Samuel 9.

In verse 18, Jonathan tells David that he will be missed because his seat will be empty. This is in reference to the plan of these two best friends. David would not show up for the New Moon festival dinner at Saul's house. As it turned out, it would always be an empty chair because Saul was so jealous of David that he hated him and wanted to kill David.

Many years later,  King Saul's chair on the throne of Israel would be empty(due to his death) and David would sit in it, ruling his nation as the king God had intended to rule Israel.

Whose chair are we meant to sit in after all is said and done?
Are we fulfilling our purpose in life, bowing before the God Who sits on His throne ?
Is Jesus on the throne of our heart?


The New Living Translation (NLT) says in verse 19: The day after tomorrow, toward evening, go to the place where you hid before, and wait there by the stone pile.

King James Version calls it the stone of Ezel.

Jonathan and David made plans so David would know whether he should stay or run for his life concerning Saul. This stone pile was called the stone of Ezel.

The word Ezel in Hebrew means departure.

The stone was perhaps named "stone of departure" later as a memorial of the event and place where the two separated. (Falwell)

Do you have any stones of departure in your life? Usually, a  headstone on the grave of our loved one reminds us when they both arrived and departed this world.  There are other kinds of memorial stones which remind us of important events which occurred at a specific location. I have seen the huge stones marking the place where of the Battle of Gettysburg, Mount Rushmore, the place where the first shot was fired beginning the Revolutionary War, and Plymouth Rock. I know our nation has erected memorials for those who lost their life for our nation during wars and stones indicating the important men to our nation, such as Washington, Lincoln, and Jefferson.
Our fireplace, built of native stones and by my parents around 1975, is a type of remembrance of them and their love for our family. Our daughter recalled its significance. We still enjoy its warmth each winter.

Are we standing on the Rock of our Salvation-Jesus Christ?


Make sure that when my chair is empty at my house because I am residing in heaven, it causes happy memories for my loved ones.

Let my life be built upon the Rock of Jesus.

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