Thursday, May 19, 2011

Wagging Tongue or Tail

1 Thessalonians 3
But now, Timothy has just returned, bringing us good news about your faith and love. He reports that you always remember our visit with joy and that you want to see us as much as we want to see you.   1 Thess. 3:6 NLT


We have some special friends who live in another state. It's always such a joy  to hear from them whether by email or phone. We know that their love and faith in Jesus continues to grow. He pastors a church, preaches and leads music in revivals. Sometimes we are able to join this lovely couple and new friends in the singing group as they praise the Lord in churches throughout the states. In fact, next week we are getting together as their church dedicates  their new sanctuary. Even though the drive is 4-5 hours, it's worth it. Like Paul and the Thessalonians, we want to see each other. Do you have friends like that?


I'll continue to tell you about these special friends. Several years ago, Rick had a kidney transplant. He has also had hip replacement and almost died on the operating table. Then a few years ago, Rick's good kidney failed and his wife, Nancy, gave him her kidney. They are such a sweet couple. You can feel the love of the Lord when you're with them. Inspite of the hardships and physical struggles, they keep serving and praising their Savior Jesus. What an inspiration to all who hear their testimony.

Let's go back to verses 3-5. What does it take to move your faith in Jesus away from Him? Will you turn away from your Savior? Satan is trying very hard to find out if anything will. Does physical illness or disease? Do hardships on the job? What about financial worries? Family problems? Do you ever get to the point where you just can't take any more? I did last week. You could probably tell by my writings, sorry. But that's what the Lord wants-we turn IT over to HIM. Now why don't I do that at the beginning instead of frettin' over it? I mull it around, then finally give up and give it to Him. You too?

Paul wants no one to be moved by afflictions. He reminds these Christians that people are "appointed thereunto." Of course, I had to check out the Greek terminology in Thayer's Lexicon:

Moved (saino) means to wag the tail as a dog; to shake.
Afflictions (thlipsis) means anguished, burdened, persecution, tribulation, trouble.
Appointed means to be (by God's intent) set; destined.

My son's dogs automatically shake their bodies and wag their tails and bark when I pet them. Well, it's not just a gentle pat on the head. It's a pounding all over with those two big ones(they love it). That's what I thought about when contemplating this verse. When troubles, tribulations, or persecutions touch me, pound me, wave after wave,  I shake all over. I can't sit still. I'm up, walking, wagging that tongue of mine, barking, complaining. Satan knows the buttons to push to get me going, too.
But dear friend, did you know that we are destined for suffering? I know that's not what I wanted to hear either. I always heard that we had testings of our faith. This sounds like heavy artillary.

Afflictions are appointed by God. He intends them to happen to us. We are destined for them.


In his book, Contagious Christianity, Charles Swindoll says:
Paul believed that affliction need not unsettle God's people. Why could he maintain this belief? Because he knew, as did the Thessalonians, that Christians are "destined" for suffering and that they have been forewarned that suffering will come (verses 3-4). God's training program for His children includes hardship and struggle. He knows that difficulties can smooth out our rough edges as we travel the road toward holy perfection in Christ (James 1:2-4). So He destines us for them. But He doesn't just spring them on us. He warns us in advance so that we won't be scandalized and taken off guard by them. Instead, we can prepare ourselves to stand firm through them. (my emphasis in dark)

We have to be ready for the enemy with the Word of God, dear one. Here are some verses I have in my small index notecards:
Phil. 4:13, 1:27-29; Ps. 62:5-6, 138:8a; Prov. 3:5-6; Is. 46:11; 40:28-30; 43:2.

I found that in the Bible there were appointed times, tasks, signs, and places.
Remember some of the women who were destined for a certain task for the Lord:  Esther saved the Jews, Ruth was David's great grandmother, Sarah was Jacob's grandmother (12 tribes of Israel), Rahab saved the Israelite spies and mother of Boaz, Bethsheba was Solomon's mother.

I want my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren to talk about my faithful service to the Lord Jesus after I am gone to glory. How about you?


If anything wags, make sure it wags for the glory of God.

Share my faith and love today.

Put on the whole armor of God. Get prepared for spiritual battle.

Be faithful to the destiny God has appointed for me.

Pray for others in their afflictions.

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