Monday, May 30, 2011

Fog of Immorality

1 Thessalonians 4-Part 3
That no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter: because that the Lord is the avenger of all such, as we also have forewarned you and testified. For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness. He therefore that despiseth, despiseth not man, but God, who hath also given unto us his holy Spirit.  1 Thess. 4:6-8


One morning this spring, as I was looking out the window of my door, I saw fog over the pond. As I watched, it was moving across the pond. I have never seen such a sight. Always before, the fog hovered over the pond and disappeared as the sun warmed the air. But this time was different. As I watched, a thought came into my mind-the Holy Spirit wants to move into me in the same way, just surrender. What an beautiful illustration!

In the Old Testament, we can read about Judah's fall under the Babylonian invasion. It was due to the fog of immorality that clouded their day. Not only did it happen in their day, but in the Thessalonians' day and it's happening in our day. History repeats itself as mankind's tendencies toward sin continue on and Satan is active.

Paul doesn't want us to drift in a fog of moral uncertainty and decay, nor immorality. He doesn't want our disobedience resulting in guilt and grief. He wants us to honor the God of moral absolutes. Our obedience will result in greater confidence and habits of holiness. (Contagious Christianity by C. Swindoll)

Actually, in verses 1-8 of chapter 4, Paul is giving the Thessalonians (and us) a straight talk about moral purity. Not only was their society deteriorating morally, but ours is also, isn't it?

Paul promises that the Lord will be the avenger of those defrauded by the sexual immorality of others. The promise of greater comfort goes to the one damaged by the immorality of their husband or wife.
We must be sexually pure because of our call. That call is not to uncleanness, but to holiness; sexual immorality is simply inconsistent with who we are in Jesus Christ. (David Guzik's Commentary)

Let  God be the avenger, as Paul said in verse 6.
Avenger means exacting penalty from one, punisher, according to Thayer's Lexicon.
The Lord is the coming Judg (2Thess. 1:7-8) and the Righter.

I know there are so many who have been hurt by the immorality of their spouse or parent. My heart goes out to them. Even though they fell into the fog of immorality, we should be aware and not do the same. Allow time and the Lord to heal broken hearts.


As I read through several commentaries, I thought of the 5 w's.
WHAT: defraud another person by living with or commiting adultery with another man's wife; this violates or
              robs them; the adulterer defrauds his mate and children; the fornicator defrauds his future mate and
              children; both defraud their illicit partner. The matter in question is the honor of his neighbor as a
              husband (verses 4 and 7).
WHO: The word brother enhances the enormity of the crime. It is your (Christian) brother whom you
            wrong. (Prov. 6:27-33). Christians are susseptable to the same temptations as nonbelievers.
WHEN: At all times be alert to the temptations-watching movies, tv, reading books and magazines, looking
             at pictures, being on the internet.
HOW: Are there certain people that prompt lust in your life? Avoid them or flee from them. Evaluate your
           appearance, conversation, lifestyle.
WHERE: Watch out for parties, private meetings, entertaining pastimes.

If my life was being viewed on a big screen, would I be embarrased or satisfied of my behavior?


Don't allow the fog of immorality into my life.

Keep holy thoughts, appearance, and actions.

Stay in the Word and tuned into the Holy Spirit.

Remember, God sees and hears all.

Help others in this area.


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