Friday, May 6, 2011

Oink, Oink

1 Thessalonians 2-Part 2
Never once did we try to win you with flattery, as you well know. And God is our witness that we were not pretending to be your friends just to get your money! As for human praise, we have never sought it from you or anyone else.   1 Thess. 2:5-6 NLT


Verse 5 in KJV says it this way: "For neither at any time used we flattering words, as ye know, nor a cloke of covetousness; God is witness." (my emphasis)

In the Greek, the word covetousness is pleonexia, which means greedy desire to have more. (Thayer's Lexicon)
In Webster's Thesaurus, synonyms for the word greed include: piggishness, lust, desire, greediness, avarice, and covetousness.

Pigs. Have you ever watched them when it was time to eat? They not only want their food, but the food of others, also. They root the others out of the way so they can have their way, oinking the entire time. When I was a kid, we raised a pig for butchering. That animal would eat anything and everything. It ate food scrapes from our table and slop that Dad mixed up (grains and whatnot). He never had enough to eat, you know. You might say it made a pig of himself. (pun intended) I laugh when I think of that stuffed pig, lying in the shade of the barn, up to its belly in mud. All it did was lie around, eat,  and get fat. Of course, that was the idea. It sure made good bacon and ham later.

Oh, man. The thought came to me-Do I act like a greedy pig? I must admit the answer is yes. If I see a piece of clothing hanging on the sales rack  caught my eye and another lady is going through the same rack, I want to push her out of the way and grab that one. I don't do it, but I have thought, "Leave it for me. Move on lady." So I am piggish. Now that's not flattering, is it? Well, my son thinks I can do a good pig imitation-oink, oink. Hey, maybe that's not a compliment after all. Hummmm. 
How am I dressed? Is it with a cloak of covetousness, a coat of greed surrounding me? Am I focused on one particular thing that I want? What are my thoughts and actions focused on? Am I clothed in Christ, instead of greed? Things to ponder.

In his book, Contagious Christianity, Charles Swindoll says it this way:
"Greed is the desire to possess more than one needs. When taken to extreme, greed is the desire to possess that which belongs to someone else. A person can be greedy for any number of things, including money, glory, results, attendance, facilities, and popularity. There can even be a greed for truth. It's not that any of these things are bad in themselves. Instead, the problem lies in the insatiable drive to have something in greater abundance than anyone else. This drive takes our focus off of God and puts us in an unhealthy competition with other people."

Am I a greedy person? Does my desire of something go to the extreme? Do I wear greed as an outer garment, like a coat? Does it take my focus off of God?


 In verse 6, the KJV uses the phrase "we might have been burdensome." It shoulds be translated, "we might have made great demands."

Paul didn't pull ranks on the Thessalonians. He was an apostle, but did not flaunt it. He try to  intimidate these baby Christians, nor abuse his authority. Instead, Paul came to them as a servant. He wanted to meet their needs in the best way possible. He didn't want applause or personal glory. We know how Paul's heart was. This missionary team worked to support themselves, not taking what they had a right to have. Motives were pure. 

Are my motives pure? Why do I do things for others? Is it out of selfish gain or out of love for them and the Lord Jesus?


Give instead of being greedy.

Stop oinking, acting like a pig.

Don't be burdensome, making great demands. Instead, serve others.

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