Tuesday, May 17, 2011


1 Thessalonians 2-Part 9
For we wanted to come to you-I, Paul, more than once-and yet Satan thwarted us. For who is our hope or joy or crown of exultation? Is it not even you, in the presence of our Lord Jesus at His coming? For you are our glory and joy.          1 Thess. 2:18-20 NAS


Reunions, homecomings. Aren't they fun? This summer we are going to two of our family reunions, maybe four. We are going to a homecoming/ 100 years anniversary of a church my husband had pastored.
There are homecomings for churches and reunions for family, high school, and colleges. I enjoy them all. Visiting with people you haven't seen in years. Catching up on what has happened in their life, their family. Seeing changes/improvements in their surroundings. Talking about job changes and health changes. Children growing up. New additions to families. Missing those gone on to glory. Recalling memories made in the good ole days. Happy times and good times. Trials, burdens, hardships, struggles, diseases, mending differences. Hugs, kisses, tears. Hey, my calendar is already marked and plans are in the making. A smile is on my face just thinking about seeing loved ones again. Preparations are in the works. Hoping everyone is there. Joy is in the air. Can't wait. Perhaps your family is getting together this summer.

Paul longed to see his new converts and children in the faith there at Thessalonica. Inspite of the problems Paul encountered, he found great joy in those friends. They were sure worth all the pain he had experienced. He could rejoice and find an inner joy in the fact that one day he would rejoin them when Christ returns for His own. On this wonderful event, he could hang his hope.

Charles Swindoll, in his book, Contagious Christianity, said this:
"When we become so intense in fighting our battles that we become grim, we loose three things:
1. Hope-As we become to believe that we will never make it through the struggle, we begin to feel
2. Hunger for God's Word-As our joy decreases, our desire to read, study, and believe His truth diminishes.
3. Sense of humor-We begin to take ourselves too seriously and fail to take God serioiusly enough. Thus, it
                              is imparative that we face our struggles with a joyful hope that no person or thing can
                              take away from us."
Swindoll gives three great truths from this chapter:
1. An attitude of gratitude can be developed by welcoming God's Word.
2. A commitment to contentment will be strengthened by accepting God's will.
3. A happiness amidst heaviness must be cultivated by affirming God's people.

Do I affirm those I love? Do I encourage strangers? Am I content in the path I am walking? Do I welcome the truth?


Let's look at verse 18. Paul says that he and the missionary team wanted to come visit the Thessalonians, but
Satan hindered it. What does that mean?

Hindered means thwarted (egkopto) which is to cut into, to cut in on, impede, detain. (Thayer's Lexicon)

Paul had been unable to go  back and visit them personally, but inspite of his strong efforts, Satan somehow blocked his efforts. (Liberty Bible Commentary)

Satan, which  means "adversary," continually attempted to tear down the church that Christ promised to build (Matt.16:18). He was said to be at other churches. He thwarted Paul in the sense that a military foe would hinder the advance of his enemy. ( MacArthur Commentary)

Is Satan continually hindering my efforts to serve Christ? He is definitely active around here. How about you?
It should make us seek God even more.


Keep on hoping.

Develop a hunger for God's Word.

Maintain a sense of humor.

Don't allow Satan to hinder God's plans for me.

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