Friday, August 20, 2010

Wedding Reception Miracle

John 2
Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.   John 2:5


I can understand the tension when the wine ran out at the wedding party in
chapter 2. Although this did not happen to us at either  our daughter or our
son's wedding reception, there was concern and tension about having
enough punch for the guests.

Jesus, His disciples, and His mother were attending a wedding. Probably it
was that of a relative. Then there was a need-the wine ran out during the
festival. Mary went to Jesus with the need and expected Him to meet it, and
He did.

There were six stone jars, which were used for Jewish ceremonial washing,
that were available. They held 20-30 gallons.
Jesus didn't do things half way. He had the jars filled with water, then He
turned the water into wine. It wasn't watered down, either, it was the best
of wine. The head waiter mentions it in verse 10.

This tells me that I can take my needs to Jesus and expect the best from Him.


"Whatever He saith unto you, do it," Mary told the servants after she told
Jesus they ran out of wine to drink. The servants obeyed Jesus and
experienced His first miracle.

Do you reckon Mary knew Jesus had the power to remedy the problem
before she went to Him?

"Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering of
rams," says 1Samuel 15:22b (NLT).


What Jesus tells me to do, do it.

Expect Jesus to meet the need which I take to Him.

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