Friday, May 11, 2018

Sacrifices of Joy When not Joyful

O. T. #1209 "Sacrifices of Joy When not Joyful"
May 11, 2018
Psalms 27-Part 3
And now shall mine head be lifted up above imine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in His tabernacle sacrifices of joy: I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD.
Psalms 27:6


Everyone feeling joyful today? Praise the Lord! Hmm. Maybe not. Oh, we have our days, right? Life happens and we are not so joyful. Yep, been there. That's okay. David was not always joyful and he was a man after God's own heart. He was human. Did you know he offered the sacrifices of joy when he was not joyful?

David spent about 12 years running from one enemy after another before he became king of Israel (mostly Saul). He ran from his own son who wanted to kill David and take his throne, too. David is surrounded by his enemies.  I dare say that innumerable accounts of people have found comfort and encouragement from reading his songs, the Psalms written mostly during those times. Think of how many have benefited just since the King James Bible was written in 1611. Yet, David had no idea that would happen. He was only writing songs to his God from his heart. I can see him sitting alone, playing his harp, worshiping God on a mountain or by a stream or with his sheep or in a cave.

Although David's situation was grave indeed, he has total confidence in God's ability to protect him. (M. Henry)

Here is a gold nugget I found in this chapter, in our key verse: David desires to offer the sacrifices of joy, as well as sing praises unto the Lord in His Tabernacle (back in Jerusalem).

What are the sacrifices of joy?
Sacrifices  refers to the victim or act of sacrifice; slaughter, flesh of an animal; offering.
Joy refers to clamor, acclamation of joy or a battle-cry; clangor of trumpets; alarm; jubilee; loud noise; rejoicing; shouting.

Using those definitions, are the sacrifices of joy made when we don't feel like rejoicing, but we do it anyway? Are we the one who is being sacrificed, by denying self, taking up our cross, dying to self and allowing Jesus to use us? We do things His way, not ours. When we are down, we can sing praises to our Lord for His salvation and provisions and love for us. Can we so be grateful for His sacrifice of Himself on the cross that we can shout for joy, amidst the troubles? (Maybe we can sing at least.) We have to let go of the chains that hold us down, giving it all to Jesus. It ain't easy ya'll. I struggled many a times. But that is when we find freedom to forgive and love the one who has hurt us. We can overcome failure and start again with Jesus. It is easy to praise Him when things are going great or okay and the sun is shining on us. It's when the clouds have us down in the mud that is hard. 


Since David's confidence was in God, what was he asking of Him?
  • The Lord hear his prayer; (verse 7)
  • God would be merciful and answer him; (verse 7)
  • God invites David to talk with Him and he accepts; (verse 8)
  • For God to not turn His back on David; (verse 9)
  • To not reject His servant in anger, for God had always been David's helper. (verse 9)
  • Don't leave or abandon him. (verse 9)
  • Hold him close, even when his parents abandon him, probably die. (verse 10)
Come and talk with Me.
Lord, I am coming.

David was always in God's presence. He was the anointed king. We are in need, Jesus has His arms wide open, ready to receive us with a bear hug. It is up to us to run to Him. He does not leave us nor forsake us. Glory to God in the Highest! He is able and can do whatever. He is the Great I AM!


Offer the sacrifices of joy to God, all the time.
Run to Jesus when I am in need.
Sing His praises today.

In every victory, let it be said of me, my source of hope, my source of strength, is in Christ alone.
Grace, grace, God's grace.

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