Thursday, May 24, 2018

Rejoice and Praise

O. T. #1210  "Rejoice and Praise"
May 24, 2018
Psalms 33
Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous: for praise is comely for the upright.  Psalms 33:1


It is highly possible that this psalm was written by David. However, there is no support for it, only characteristic of his songs. It could have been joined with the previous chapter.The word praise is used in the first two verses, so they merited checking out the different definitions in the Hebrew language.

In verse 1, praise refers to a hymn, laudation; in verse 2, praise refers to revere, worship, confess, give thanks.

What are we godly, righteous believers in God challenged to do?
  • Rejoice in the Lord.
  • Sing for joy to the Lord, for it is fitting for the pure to praise Him. (verse 1)
  • Praise Him with the harp, a small, simple instrument of triangular framework, made of wood crossed by 7 strings. (Falwell)
  • Sing unto Him with the psaltry or lyre, an instrument of 10 strings.
  • Sing unto Him a new song.
  • Play skillfully with a loud noise.
We have a Christian radio station at our local Christian university. That is the only station upon which my radio is set. So I praise the Lord before, during, and after writing these lessons. Sometimes I even make up different words to songs as they are played, as a praise to Jesus. What a joy and encouragement it has been throughout the almost 21 years we have lived here.
Sounds to me that it is acceptable to play hymns and praise songs on instruments in worship during our church service.
Do we praise God throughout the day? Are we an example to our children and grandchildren?
A lot of our praise choruses are taken from the psalms.

Paul told the church at Philippi to Rejoice in the Lord always: again I say rejoice. (4:4)


Falwell noted it as being a call to lively and joyous to praise to God for His glorious attributes and work.

What are the attributes and works of God which the psalmist mentions here? (NLT)
  • The Word of the Lord holds true and we can trust everything He does. (verse 4)
  • All His works are done in truth.
  • He loves whatever is just and good; HIs unfailing love fills the earth. (verse 5)
  • As Creator, He merely spoke and the heavens were made; by His breath the stars were born. (verse 6)
  • He assigned the seas its boundaries and locked the oceans in vast reservoirs. (verse 7)
  • He spoke and it was done; He commanded and it stood fast. (verse 9)
  • He frustrates the plans of the nations and thwarts all their schemes. (verse 10)
  • But the Lord's plans stand firm forever; His intentions can never be shaken. (verse 11)


May I always rejoice in You, my awesome Savior.
I am trusting in my King whose plans will be forever and carried out His way.
May Your creation praise You, Creator.

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