Saturday, May 12, 2018

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day weekend, Ladies!

I hope you are setting aside some time to share your love with your mother, grandmother, children. Let us remember those who have empty arms, mothers serving in our military, and missionaries in prayer.

In the Scriptures, Ruth showed her love for Naomi, her mother in law, by accompanying her back home, then gathering grain for them to eat. She listened to Naomi's advice, and ended up marrying Boaz. They had a child, Obed, who had a son named Jesse, who had several sons, one of which became king of Israel, David. Now that was a blessing of God. What joy it would bring to have such a great grandson.

Then we read of Jesus taking care of his mother, Mary, even when dying on the cross. He asked John to treat her as his mother. Love between a mother and child is precious.

A loved mother and grandmother,

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