Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

674.  "Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow"            
January 15, 2013
Revelation 1-Part 9
Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter; The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.  Rev. 1:19-20 KJV


Throughout my high school and college days, I recall having to read novels and then the class would discuss their deep meanings. At that time in my life, I really was not too interested in what those famous literary authors had to say about life. After all, I was only in my teens and twenty's.
Now on the other hand, here is a book that has deep meanings, the Book of Revelation, and the author is the One in charge of the universe and things to come. Those things are more interesting to me. (Maybe because I am 30 years older) 

Looking back in this chapter, John saw the Resurrected Jesus' appearance-long robe, sash, white hair, eyes as fire, brass feet, strong voice, holding 7 stars in His right hand, and a 2-edged sword out of His mouth, with a glowing appearance.

Now Jesus informs John and us what the 7 stars represented-angels, which are messsengers,  the pastors of the 7 churches, and 7 candlesticks, golden lampstands, are the 7 churches to whom the book is to be sent.

I am happy to have you along with me on this journey through Revelation. I welcome your input.


After Jesus describes Himself to John, again Jesus instructs John to write. What is John supposed to write about?
  • the things seen-not what John had seen Jesus do when He was living in the flesh, but what John had just seen about Jesus; the glorious heavenly Jesus; the living, risen, resurrected Savior; chapter 1; past;
  • the things which are-things of John's present day, messages regarding the 7 churches in Asia; Jesus is here now; chapters 2-3; present;
  • the things which will take place after this-future events, things of the last days; chapters 4-22; future. 
This is an inspired outline for this book.

Jesus is alive. Furthermore, He is alive forevermore. His life is endless.
Saved believers in this Jesus are alive forevermore, too. And to think, we will get to serve our Lord together in heaven.

I can look back to a lot of yesterdays, but today is when I am living. Am I trusting Jesus with my yesterdays, todays, and tomorrows? My yesterdays outnumber my tomorrows. My tomorrows are in His Hands.


Acknowledge Jesus as the only glorious, Risen Savior.

Trust Him with my yesterdays, todays, and tomorrows.

*Update: My sister in law, Wanda is able to sit in a chair, talk, eat soft food. That is what my glorious Savior can do-raise the dead.

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