Revelation 2-Part 1
I know thy deeds and your toil and perseverance, and that you cannot tolerate evil men, and you put to the test those who call themselves apostles, and they are not, and you found them to be false, and you have perseverance and have endured for My name's sake, and have not grown weary. but I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Rev. 2:2-4 NAS
Here we have the first church to whom Jesus is speaking. In order to better understand what is going on in this church, let's look at the condition of the city around Ephesus.
Backgound of Ephesus
The City:
*emporer's political activity centered there;
*most important city of western Asia Minor;
*a major center of political, economice, and religious activity;
*the first port of entry for seafaring vessels, so it was large in market and population;
*home of the grand temple of the fertility goddess Artemis, known as Diana;
*one of the seven wonders of the world;
The Church:
*Paul founded the church at Ephesus, preached one time for there for 3 years;
* pastors were Timothy, John, and Onesimus;
*John minister there for 30 years, leaving his home in Jerusalem.
In verse 1, Jesus walked in the midst of each church. He know everything about them-thoughts, motives, intentions. He cared enough to encourage them and correct them.
I enjoyed playing the tinkingling triangle in my elementary music class. I would make the distinct sound to beat of the songs we sang. I tought of that experience when I read about the noisy gong in the Love Chapter of the Bible.
I don't want to be a resounding gong nor a clanging cymbal, for nothing. That is what it would profit me if I didn't have love in my heart when I do good deeds.Without love, my deeds are nothing. I Corinthians 13 explains about love, its characteristics. The Ephesian church had a love problem. Before we get into it, there are some things we need to discuss.
What are the strengths that the Ephesian church had, which Jesus point out?
- Toiling in good deeds, works, labors;
- Patiently enduring through trials, such as slander, boycotts, abuse, malignment due to their refusal to bow to the false gods and statues;
- Doctrinal discernment; sect of Nicolaitans practice idolatry and sexual immorality, perhaps combined with the worship of God and pagan worship.
What about my church-is it pleasing Jesus with these characteristics?
Like an unexpected twist in the road during a pleasant drive through the countryside, Christ interrupted His commendation of the Ephesians with one abrupt word: but. He said,"But I have this against you, that you have left your first love."
The church in Ephesus had everything but the greatest thing-love. It didn't happen overnight. Some 35 years earlier, Paul wrote to this church commending them for their love. (Eph. 1:15-16, 6:23-24). Now they lost their first love-Jesus.
1 Corinthians 13:13 tells us that the greatest of faith, hope, and love is love, a golden virtue.
Christ pointed out three simple ways to swing a U-turn and reestablish their walks in the right direction (verse 5):
- Remember from where they had fallen down. Step back to loving God and others.
- Repent, changing their heart and mind. Receive God's free grace.
- Repeat the deeds they did at first. Renewal of attitudes leads to right behavior.
If I say that I love God and hate my brother, then I am a liar according to 1 John 4:19-21.
Christ expressed His love for us when He obeyed the Father, humbled Himself, died on the cross as He gave His life for us. (Phil. 2:8, Gal. 2:20, Eph. 5:2)
Thou shalt love the LORD thy God with heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Luke 22:37, 39
Am I loving God and others as He would have me do? Is my church?
Have good deeds, endure trials, and be discerning.
Let go of things and love God most.
Repent of my sins.
Love others in my heart and with my actions.
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