Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Can You Hear Me?

681.  "Can You Hear Me?"  January 30, 2013
Revelation 3-Part 5
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.  Revelation 3:22 KJV


"Can you hear me?" How many times have we heard people ask that question while talking on their cell phone? I have said it whenever my location is not one of clear reception. Just think, one day, the cell phone maybe distinct and something else takes its place. I wonder what my grandchildren will say about it then. Perhaps it is like the rotary dial phone that I grew up using, with a party line, of course. Are you with me?

In the first three chapters of Revelation, we read what Jesus had to say to seven churches. Keep in mind, these specific churches existed back in New Testament times. There is one thing I noticed that was a common thread for all seven-Jesus told them all that if they had an ear to hear what the Spirit had to say to the churches. So I wonder, do you and I have two ears that hear what Jesus is saying to our churches, to us as individuals?

After studying seven churches, their good points and what they were lacking, I wanted to review them before going onto chapter 4. You must realize, this is not my information, but my resources include: Swindoll's New Testament Insights on Revelation by Charles Swindoll, The MacArthur Bible Commentary by John MacArthur, Liberty Bible Commentary by Jerry Falwell. FYI: I have been using these as references in previous postings.

With that said, to you want to hear from the Spirit of God? We read of this opportunity that Jesus gave to seven churches and tirelessly give to us. Listen up and learn something-were you told that by teachers?

First, let's look at the commendations that Jesus gave to each church:
  1. Ephesus-good works, endurace, discernment, rejects evil, persevers, has patience; known as "the church with everything but the greatest thing"
  2. Smyrna-faithfulness in persecution, gracefully bears suffering; known as "the suffering church under attack"
  3. Pergamum-some faithfulness in persecution, keeps the faith of Christ; known as "the church that conpromised the truth"
  4. Thyatira-some love, faith, services, endurance, love, service, faith, patience is greater than at first; known as "the church where tolerance went to seed"
  5. Sardis-worthy remnant kept clean, some have kept the faith; known as "a dead church"
  6. Philadelphia-good works, endurance, faithfulness, perseveres in the faith; known as "the church with little strength and open door"
  7. Laodicea-none; known as "the church that nauseates God."
Some of these characteristics are good and some not so good. Even if we just have one ear, these messages are for us today. Am I listening? What is my church lacking? What am I lacking?


The seven churches were given not only commendations from Jesus, but condemnations, criticisms, as well. Here they are:
  1. Ephesians-departed from first love, love for Christ no longer fervant
  2. Smyrna-none
  3. Pergamum-tolerated idolatry, false teaching, immorality, heresies
  4. Thyatira-tolerates cult of idolatry and immorality, false teaching
  5. Sardis-hypocrisy, incomplete works, a dead church
  6. Philadelphia-none
  7. Laodicea-pride, materialism, laziness, indifferent
Am I loving Christ first? Is He the priority in my church? Do we seek His will, doing things His way, not our own?
Tis good to do a self-examination every once in a while, don't you think?


Confess and put away any hypocrisy, idols, immorality, materialism, pride, laziness, indifference that I may have.

Be faithful, endure whatever, love, serve.

Don't nauseate God, surrender to Him.

Open my spiritual ears so I can hear the Spirit.

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