Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Needful of the New

664.  "Needful of the New"                January 1, 2012
Jude 22-23     Part 14
And of some have compassion, making a difference; And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.  KJV


Here we are, the first day of a new year! I feel refreshed, even though life and circumstances are still the same as they were yesterday. Maybe it's the hope for better, putting away last year's struggles, burying problems of woe, having the Lord chisel off the not-so-good from me.
Maybe it's the excitement of NEW being available. New what, I don't know. Just NEW. Fill in the blank.
I need a new _______________, Jesus.

If I were finishing that sentence, I can think of several possibilities:
I need a new  healthier body, a new heart of joy,  stronger faith, surrendered will, encouraging way, outspoken witness of evangelism, and more songs of praise to my Savior, not to mention the physical things.

Of what are you in need? Why don't we ask Jesus for them?

The John MacArthur Bible Commentary says the word some indicate three possible groups:
  1. Sincere doubters who deserve compassion,
  2. Those who are deeper in unbelief and urgently need to be pulled from the fire,
  3. Those declared disciples of apostasy who still deserve mercy, but are to be handled with much fear, lest the would-be-resuer also be spiritually sullied.
He goes on to say that these three groups are more likely scenarioes.
Am I alert to such people, whose doctrine or unbelief in Jesus are in need of hearing the Truth of Jesus?


What can I do to help those people?
  • Show compassion, which means to succor one afflicted or seeking aid (Thayer's Lexicon); compassionate by word or deed, specifically by divine grace (Strong's Greek Dictionary of the New Testament);
  • Make a difference. Share and care; love our neighbors; help those in need.
  • Help others find salvation in Jesus.
  • Show mercy.
These victims of the apostate teachers need mercy and patience because they have not yet reached a firm conclusion about charist and eternal life, and so remain doubters, who could possibly be swayed to the truth. (MacArthur)

Have mercy onn those who waver in doubt; save those you can by snatching them, as it were, from the flames. show mercy in godlly fear, although you hate the clothes they wear, stained as they are by the flesh. (Liberty Bible Commentary)

We are to confront those who doubt, or convince them by patient instruction. Flirting with falsehood is like playing with fire. When we reach out to those engulfed in the flames of apostasy, we save them from destruction. We are to approach people in need with mercy and with fear. (Charles Swindoll)

We are to love the sinner, hate the sin.

I can always show more compassion toward others.


Have a renewal of spiritual matters.

Love Jesus and others.

Let go of bitterness and unforgiveness.

Show more compassion.

*Happy New Year, friends!

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