Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Pink Changes

600.  " Pink Changes"                   September 5, 2012
2 Peter 3-Part 3
Since everything willl be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? 
2 Peter 3:11a


It is hard to believe that this is my 600th post and I am not to the end of The Book yet. May 18, 2010 was the posting of the first lesson.  Thank you friends for walking along this country road of faith with me. It has been quite a journey going through the New Testament. We have been walking and talking with Jesus. Originally, I wanted to do this to leave a legacy to my children and grandchildren, using examples from my childhood that applied to the scripture.  Along the way, the Lord has challenged me to look deeper into His Word. Truly, God has been feeding me more from His table than I ever imagined. It is my prayer that you, too, will receive what you need in your life. Please feel free to leave comments. Pull up a chair and we will  get started.

In verse 11, Peter is talking not about the dissolution of things per se, but about the judgment and destruction of ungodly "people" particularly these ungodly people described in chapter two. He speaks about the coming of Christ as a day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men (verse 7).

So where is the encouragment? This world is not our permanent home. We are going to another world-heaven. This one will soon pass away, be destroyed by fire, along with everything upon it. I like new things, don't you? I fact, I am in the process of painting my office/play room pink (only the trim, since hubby uses the computer, too). I am changing my desk assessories to pink, looking for pink curtains, and storage tubs for granddaughter's toys. I consider it a drastic change. The other day I found a mouse pad and note paper with "Walk by faith" and a pink heel on it. I liked it and thought it went along with my blog title. When a friend blogger painted her typewriter pink, I got my confirmation. Change can be hard, such as changing jobs, moving to another city, emptying nest, but then change can be fun, too.

Are you ready for "the change" of our  residence? Can I let go of my "things" for a better change?


Peter tells us what kind of people we believers ought to be:
  • Live holy and godly lives;
  • Look forward to the Day of God;
  • Look forward to a new heaven and new earth, the home of righteousness;
  • Make every effort to be spotless, blameless, and at peace with Him.
Am I making an effort to be pure in my life and at peace with God?


Cut the strings that attach me to the world, then cling to Jesus.

Look beyond today.

Keep in mind that all of this stuff will one day burn up and I won't need it anymore.

Strive to be spotless, blameless, and at peace with God.

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