Monday, January 2, 2012

A Fresh New Start

For I have come to have much joy and comfort in your love, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you, brother.  Verse 7 NAS

Yes, brother, let me benefit from you in the Lord; refresh my heart in Christ . Verse 20 NAS

Thank you for faithfully walking with me through 2 Corinthians to Philemon last year. You are such a blessing!!!!!!!!!! May the Lord shower you with His Spirit this year!

As I read verses 7 and 20, the word refresh jumped at me. Paul said that the "hearts of the saints had been refreshed through Philemon. Paul also wanted to be refreshed by Philemon. I wonderd how that could happen-refreshing others and being refreshed myself. So I had to look it up. According to Thayer's Lexicon, refreshed means invigorated (strengthened).

"Paul was encouraged because Philemon was such a rest and refreshment to the saints(other believers) in Colossae," states Liberty Bible Commentary.

How did this happen? It was Philemon's love and faith for Jesus and others. (verse 6) Probably he gave them food for their body and soul.
John Gill said,"Hearts were filled with gladness, the pressures upon their minds were removed, and they had an inward pleasure in ther souls, along with rest, refreshment, comfort through liberal communications of Philemon to them; Philemon did what he could cheerfully, so it did their souls good, as well as their bodies."


Don't you like fresh, new starts? Since this in only the second day of a brand spanking new year, I am thinking about fresh starts. I can start again with my life anew. Forget about those harsh words, wrong choices, bad attitudes. It's a new year. It's a time in my life when I can start my life anew.
 I don't make resolutions because I break them. However,there are some things I can improve on-diet, time spent with family, share with friends, send more cards, make more calls and visits. These are temporal things. In the scope of eternal things, I need to pray more, surrender my will more, serve better, increase giving, etc.
I changemy walking shoes often, buying new ones every 6 months, for my walking work-out.  I realize that I need to evaluate my spiritual walk and make a few changes, too. How about you?

How could Philemon refresh a spiritual man as Paul?
Here are some opinions I found:
  • by forgiving Onesimus and bringing unity in the Colossian church (MacArthur)
  • by sending Onesimus back to Paul (Guzik)
  • by doing the same for Paul as he did for others (Shepherd's Notes)
I don't know what Paul intended, nor what happened. At any rate, Philemon's faith and love made an impression on Paul, don't you think?


Let the Lord Jesus refresh me so I can in turn refresh others.

Follow the Lord's leading so the hearts of the saints can be refreshed.

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