Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Does Anything Last Forever?


Hebrews 5-Part 1
He saith also in another place, Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchisedec.
Hebrews 5:6


My clothes dryer is squeeking and squeeling, complaining that it's on its last leg, put in its time, ready for retirement, but I tell it to hang on. Now is not a good time for us to buy a new dryer. Have you priced new appliances lately? One dryer costs as much or more than the pair, with a washer, did the last time we bought one. (Probably 14 years ago) Does anything last forever? These earthly things sure don't. Appliances wear out, houses run down, yards grow up, our bodies do it all, couples split up. No, friends, I hate to admit it, but earthly things don't last forever.
Isn't there anything that lasts forever?  Yes, I have found a few things-God's Word, the human soul, and Christ's high priesthood. Shall we check out the last one?

The writer of Hebrews used the word forever six times. It is found in 5:6, 6:20, 7:17, 21, 24, and 28. He affirms that Christ's high priesthood is forever. Since He is a Priest forever, He gives His people salvation forever (Heb. 7:23-28).  (Wiersbe)

In Webster's Dictionary, the word forever means "eternally, continually."

Verse 6's use of  forever is found in a quote of Psalm 110:4. So I checked out that verse and here's what I found.

In Liberty Bible Commentary:
"Not only had the Lord sworn by decree that the Messiah would be a priest forever; he also decreed that he whould be a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. Melchizedek's office was exceptional; none preceded or secceeded him. He comes upon the pages of history mysteriously, blessing Abraham and receiving tithes; and he vanished from the scene among honors that show that he was greater than the founder of the chosen nation."

Because he was a real man, he did die (7:1-3) at some time, but the record is not given to us. So Melchizedek becomes a picture of our Lord Jesus Christ who is a Priest forever. (Wiersbe)

I'm reminded of a song that says "His love endures forever. Forever God is faith, forever God is strong, forever God is with us, forever."  Pslam 136 tells us of the many ways "His mercy endures forever."
Yes, there are some things that last forever.

Am I ready for the "forever?" Are all of our family members ready for the "forever?"


We can find the qualifications of the Levitical priests in verses 1-4. They include:
  • made sacrifices for sins
  • must have compassion
  • appointed by or called of God.
The verses 5-10 show us Christ's qualifications as a priest:
  • appointed by God the Father
  • was and is compassionate
  • became the sacrifice for the sins of people.
Through God's grace, He instituted the Levitical system. Today, that system is fulfilled in the ministry of Jesus. He's both the sacrifice and the High Priest who ministers to God's people on the basis of His once-for-all offering on the cross. (Wiersbe)

How often do I go to my High Priest, Jesus Christ?


Rest in the work Jesus did for me and my salvation.

Rest in the forever.

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