Friday, May 24, 2019

What Walks, Guides, and Watches Over Us?

O. T. #1450  "What Walks, Guides, and Watches Over Us?
May 24, 2019
Proverbs 6-Part 6
When you walk here and there, they will guide you; when you lie down, they will watch over you; when you wake up, they will talk to you.  Proverbs 6:22 NLT


As children grow up, it is natural for them to become increasingly independent of their parents. We as parents hope they will lean on the teachings (commands) of their parents. Even as young adults, when struggling with decisions, seeking the advice of parents is a wise thing.

What advice does Solomon give his son concerning his teachings and commands?
  • They will guide you when you walk.
  • They will watch over you when you lie down.
  • They will talk to you when you wake up.
The reproofs we receive in God's Word lead us to eternal life. While living here, they guide, watch over us, and talk to us, even reproof us. Haven't we found that the Word never gets old? Doesn't it have something fresh to say to us no matter the occasion, no matter how many times we have read a certain passage?


In the rest of the chapter, Solomon warns against adultery. What can result?
  • Someone always gets hurt- a spouse, children.
  • Disease and unwanted pregnancy may happen.
  • Trust is broken and may result in becoming an untrusting person.
  • Guilt of sin could stick with us.
  • Disobedience to God's Word.
It is sad that our society is not taking those consequences seriously. So let us protect our thought and eyes, then warn others to do the same. Of course, there is forgiveness of sin that is available always, all the time.


Jesus, help me to apply Your teachings to my heart and life.
May my thoughts remain pure.

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