Thursday, May 23, 2019

What Are We Sowing?

O. T. #1449  "What Are We Sowing?"
May 23, 2919
Proverbs 6-Part 5
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.  Matthew 5:9


I sowed some flower seeds, and only one has popped up so far. I hope the rest eventually do. Looking at my life, there are some seeds that I have sown which I do not want to pop up. Look with me at the last of the seven things God hates. I don't think you will want to sow it.

Today we have the last on the hate list of God-he that soweth discord among the brethren.

We may know a person that enjoys sowing, not seeds of love, but discord. So what is discord?

According to Webster's Dictionary, discord means lack of agreement or harmony; active quarreling or conflict between persons, things, or ideas; strife; contention.

I think of this person who loves spreading bad news and disagreements between people, and finds fault, always criticizing. They go behind the back of the subject of whom they are speaking. It could be a he said/she said situation. Do we really like being around them? Can we just walk away?


There we have it, the seven things God hates. Let's review:
  1. a proud look
  2. a lying tongue
  3. hands that shed innocent blood
  4. a heart that deviseth wicked imaginations
  5. feet that are swift to run to mischief
  6. a false witness that speaks lies
  7. he that sows discord among brethren.
This list is like a mirror. We look into it and squirm because we see ourselves. It reveals the truth. Dare we take a good look at our self in conjunction with the Word of God? But that is why we study the Scriptures, right? I, for one, am always in need of improvement. So let's go to God and be honest. Do we need to confess anything? He is always ready to cleanse our heart. Then good things will happen around us.

Whew! Aren't we glad to be through with that.
Read our key verse. We are challenged to be a peacemaker today.


Help me see the truth about myself, what You see.
Thank You Father for Your Word that reveals sin.
Your love never fails, it never gives up, and never runs out.
Jesus, You are loving and forgiving.

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