May 16, 2019
Proverbs 6
Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and become wise!
Proverbs 6:6
Such a small teacher is the ant. Have you watched a commentary on the ant or in real life observed them? They are busy little workers. The ant is diligent in business, busy doing what is most important to her. Auntie Ant is getting food for the winter, caring for the future, and is busy about it. (J. Vernon McGee)
Of course, she snacks along the way, I think. It's like eating a few strawberries in the berry patch while you fill the basket.
Her example is one of industry, diligence, and planning and serves as a rebuke to a sluggard (a lazy person who lack self-control). (MacArthur)
Laziness and wisdom are diametrically opposed. Even an ant treats work as necessary for survival and does not need external motivation to work hard. How much more should human beings! This passage does not condemn rest altogether, but it cautions against always finding an excuse to relax and never the impetus to work. Such a lifestyle can have disastrous consequences. (David Jeremiah)
Are we like Auntie Ant?
Solomon gives us a warning concerning a worthless person in verses 12-13:
- winks the eye,
- shuffles the feet, and
- points with moving hands.
Beware of those methods used by such a person. I remember it common for salesmen in earlier years and now some politicians now to use them.
Be an Auntie Ant.
Beware of the deceivers.
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