Monday, May 6, 2019

Are We Playing The Fool?

O. T. #1438  "Are We Playing The Fool?"
May 6, 2019
Proverbs 1
But whosoever harkeneth unto Me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from fear of evil.  Proverbs 1:33


In movies, we can see what is going on with the characters, although they may not. We may deduct that one is playing the fool. Their confidence is in their own self, running things their own way. Usually, they are taken advantage of and fall short of meeting their goals. Yep, we could have told them not to do such and such, had they asked us. And so life does not turn out the way they desired when they played the fool. Are we playing the fool?

Although these proverbs are only a small collection (800 out of 3000) written by King Solomon of Israel, they are full of wisdom for our life no matter our age or status. Problems are going to be present for us as long as we live here on earth. We can choose to go it alone or with God's wisdom. We can carry the pains upon our shoulders or lay them upon Jesus. Are we willing to listen and apply God's advice or allow pride to stand in the way?
As for me, sweet friend, I need all the help I can get. The thing is, my Helper is only a prayer or cry away. He is prepared to come to my rescue immediately. It can't get any better than this.

Are we willing to listen to wise words or play the fool and reject them? If we listen, then we will live:
  • safely, which means  a place of refuge; security; trust; hope, and
  • shall be quiet from fear of evil.
There we have it-we will live in peace and untroubled by fear of harm (NLT)
How many times did David write in the Psalms about God being his refuge?
I say, that is the way to live. I am always needing security and no fear. How about you?


Wisdom appears as a female in this chapter. Her activities run parallel with Jesus. Wisdom's crying out is directed to 3 classes of people:
  1. The simple ones who are open to good influences, but also too open to those who influence for evil. Life is simple for them as they pursue simple pleasures with little else that interests them.
  2. The scorner, who despises that which is godly and takes pride in his evil works.
  3. Fools are those stupid persons who are totally confident in their own wisdom. They believe they have things all figured out without God's aid. (Liberty Bible Commentary)
Wisdom cannot bear the sight of these sinners moving toward destruction without crying out. She is crying out for those men to turn toward her. The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him. Blessing and revelation is for those who will turn, and judgment awaits those who will not.

We are an affluent society; we measure every man by his bank account, the home he lives in, the car he drives. Are we enjoying the prosperity of fools? Are we living in a fool's paradise? (J. Vernon McGee)

There we have it folks. It is our choice to yield to wisdom or become one of the above. If we look around, how many can we find who are living the life of a simple person, scorner, or fool?


Dwell safely with the hope and faith Jesus gives.
Help me to live with a gentle and quiet spirit of great worth in Your sight, God.

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