Tuesday, May 14, 2019

A Trap of Sin

O. T. #1443  "A Trap of Sin"
May 14, 2019
Proverbs 5
For the ways of man are before the eyes of the LORD, and He pondereth all his goings. Proverbs 5:21


I don't have to tell you how our society has gone down to the pit of sin concerning sex. We see promiscuity portrayed as acceptable in movies, on television, in conversations, and in the lives of our young people. Homosexuals have come out into the open with their disgusting ways. Solomon gives us some well needed advice for everyone.

Solomon gives some wise counsel concerning unfaithfulness in marriage or sexual promiscuity. In this chapter, he describes the strange woman, adulteress, prostitute. Our sons and husbands need to be warned of the signs of temptation of sin by this means.

Life Application Study Bible  informs us of Solomon's warnings against illicit sex for several reasons:
  1. A prostitute's charm is used as an example of any temptation to do wrong or to leave the pursuit of wisdom.
  2. Sexual immorality of any kind was and still is extremely dangerous. It destroys family life, erodes a person's ability to love, and degrades human beings and turns them into objects. It can also lead to disease, and can result in unwanted children.
  3. Sexual immorality is against God's laws. 

Such good advice. When yielded to this temptation, the results are devastating. Lives are ruined. Children suffer. The spouse is ...

We found out back in 1 Kings 11 that Solomon had accumulated 700 wives and princesses, as well as 300 concubines. His marriage to the Pharaoh's daughter, was the beginning of his polygamous household. Even though most were probably due to a political union, Solomon was in disobedience to God's laws. Those foreign women brought with them their foreign gods. Such a practice lead to public acceptance as Solomon built high places for idolatry worship in Israel. This practice continued some 300 years until Josiah reigned as king. The Lord was angry with Solomon because his heart turned away from the Lord God of Israel. (verse 9)

I am not sure, but I thought this chapter was written before the above occurred in Solomon's life. If that is so, he did not heed his own advice and God's laws.


We know that God's mercy can reach down into the gutter of sin and forgive such an active one in promiscuity. We parents, spouses, children, friends must continue to pray and witness to them. We are called to a life of purity, honoring our God.
Decide now ahead of time that we will not participate in forbidden actions. Learn the signs and take the advice. Warn and protect our loved ones from this trap of sin. Decide to not allow such things in my home. Stay true to the boundaries of marriage. Then we won't loose everything.


Open my eyes, Jesus to the intentions of others.
Help me warn them of the results of sin.
Be an example of faithfulness to my husband and God.

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