O. T. #1394 "When Low, Depressed, or Humiliated, Remember This"
Feb. 25, 2019
Psalm 136
What is the phrase that is repeated 26 times in this psalm? For His mercy endureth forever. (Be sure to not skip over it while reading this chapter.)
The Hebrew word for mercy is checed, which means kindness, favor, good deed, lovingkindness, pity.
While some translations substitute the word love for mercy, we can trust God's mercy, kindness, and love lasts forever. He said it, that settles it.We don't have to worry about it running out because it flows from a deep well that never runs dry. Its source is God. We can count on it, after all, His mercies are new every morning.
Why do we need mercy? So we don't get what we deserve for our sinning.
Isn't that one of the reasons we continue to love God-His mercy continues to flow on us?
Let's give thanks unto the LORD, for He is a good, good Father; that is who He is. And we are loved by Him. Let us offer the sacrifice of praise unto our God today.
I have to ask this: are we showing mercy to others? People need lovingkindness as they live in this mean world.
God did great things for His chosen people, Israel through their history. The psalmist mentions some of them here. He did it using infinite wisdom and power. How did He do it?
With a strong hand, and with a stretched out arm. (verse 12a)
According to verse 23, God remembered Israel while they were in their low estate. Low refers to depress or sink; to humiliate.
Israel was humiliated by several enemies, such as Egypt and Babylon. He redeemed them for their enemies, verse 24 states.
Dear one, when we get low or depressed or humiliated, remember that God can deliver and redeem us, too, for we know that His mercy endureth forever.
O give thanks unto the LORD; for He is good: for His mercy endureth for ever.
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