Friday, January 19, 2018

In What Are We Trusting?

O. T. #1136  "In What Are We Trusting?"
Jan. 18, 2018
Job 13
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6


In what are we trusting? Is it government funds? Is it our job? Is it our spouse or children? Or is it God?

In the last chapter, we read of the mighty acts of God, His wisdom and power that Job noted.  He concluded that Almighty God is in charge of all things. He has control of all things. Job goes on to say that God's power is visible in nature, human society, religious matters, and national and international affairs.
Does that all include what we are going through in our life right now?

In our last session, we read what Beth Moore had to say about suffering:
  • It is a direct correlation to positions God calls us to fill.
  • Some of it is spiritual warfare.
  • It could be due to sociological resistance because the world hates us as it hated Christ.
  • Some suffering is ordained by God for our growth, our humility, our compassion, our obedience, our completion, our faith, our future commendation, joy, and fellowship in His glory.
  • Hardships may come because we got it right.
  • They may come because of God's immeasurable affection and devotion to us.
Will we trust Him with the suffering He's entrusted to us?
Are we resting in Jesus while enduring tests with enduring faith?


After Zophar speaks, Job replies.
Job's point is that he is living proof that God does not always reward goodness and punish evil, as his three visitors have been insisting. (Falwell)

Job tells his friends that he is not inferior to them.
He accuses them of:
  • being liars who pretend to be physicians of the soul, who failed with the diagnosis.
  • being self-appointed defenders of God;
  • false lawyers who have misrepresented God and will have to give an answer.
Verse 15 shows us Job's spiritual condition as he said, Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him: but I will maintain mine own ways before Him.

Job convictions are not self-serving, are they? He was ready to die trusting God. What unconditional trust! Yet, he would defend his innocence before God if given a chance. Like a lawyer going into the courtroom, Job had his case prepared. Job was truly confident that he was saved and not a hypocrite, in verse 16.
Job gives his final solution for the book of Job. He doesn't back down, does he? We know it wasn't because Job did wrong or sinned that caused his sufferings. God allowed it to prove to Satan that Job would be faithful even if his blessings of wealth and family were taken away.

The word trust is yachal (yaw-chal'), which means to wait, be patient, hope; (cause to, have, make to) hope, be pained, stay, tarry, trust, wait.
Though suffering or even death may come, is my faith as strong as Job's and I will trust God in it and through it? How about being patient for an answer? What about hoping for the best while patiently waiting on it to come? Is our faith in God growing? What about our relationship with God?
Those are hard questions, folks.

Trust in Him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before Him: God is a refuge for us.
Ps. 62:8

Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. Ps. 37:7


Stop fretting over it and trust God in it.
Trust in the Lord with all my heart.
Forget my understanding.
Acknowledge that God is in control.
Trust Him to direct my paths.

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