Jan. 22, 2018
Job 13-Part 2
What have I done wrong to deserve this? Do we sometimes get to that point like Job did? Job really wanted to find the answer. Yet he won't until chapter 40. Talk about having to wait.
Job has prepared his case, like a lawyer in a courtroom. If granted a fair trial before God, he would not hide like Adam in Genesis 3 (verse 20). Job wanted to reason with God and plead his case. He opens his heart before God, even his pain and confusion.
In verses 20-22, Job asked God to:
- end his pain by withdrawing His hand,
- and stop frightening him with such terrors, His awesome presence,
- then speak to him;
- tell him what he have done wrong,
- show his rebellion and his sin;
- tell him why He turned away from him;
- why He treated him as His enemy.
Job wanted to know if his measure of suffering matched the severity of his sin, then he would repent for sins, of which he was unaware. Job felt God might be punishing him for sins committed years earlier in his youth. (MacArthur)
In the Living Bible, verse 28 reads, How frail is man, how few his years, how full of trouble!
Although a few people live to be 100 years old or more now days, life still seems short. We are frail critters, with troubles surrounding us. But will our faith and trust in Jesus see us through?
One of my sayings is: Life is full of challenges; it's how we deal with them that counts.
Will our challenges beat us down to stay? Or will they make us stronger, more dependent upon God?
Will we be demanding to know why we have to suffer?
Don't know where I read or heard it, but here is a thought provoking question:
Do you have the courage to learn to live with your problem?
Rise above the challenges and problems that come my way.
If they come to stay, let Jesus be my Way.
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