Friday, March 25, 2016

How Are We Walking on Our Road of Faith?

O. T. #722  "How Are We Walking on Our Road of Faith?"
March 25, 2016
2 Samuel 15-Part 3
David walked up the road to the Mount of Olives, weeping as He went.  2 Samuel 15:30


How are you walking on your road of faith today, friend? I must admit, the past month I have been dragging my feet, with my head down, stumbling around, feeling discouraged and defeated. With the death of my friend's son and my husband's aunt, hearing hateful words, yeah, they got me down. Arrows of discouragement were hitting their target-me.
Lately, though, Jesus has been walking with me, dusting me off as He lifts me up, stands me firm on The Rock, and lifts up my head. I feel His love surrounding and filling me. My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness, as the song goes. I have a hope to share-Jesus is my Savior, preparing a place in heaven for me, is my hope. His will be done in my life today.
How was David walking on his road of faith? We will read about it today.

King David, along with his family and political cabinet left the city of David, Jerusalem when they got word that Absalom had organized a group to attack in a revolt against his father. Absalom had wormed his way into the hearts of the people. He had followers and the majority vote. It was a mistake for David to allow him to return home. David's family would always be a constant threat for David as God had said to him earlier. Trouble was on its way. Had David not left, he would have become a prisoner in his own palace.

The priests Zadok and Abiathar, along with the Levites carrying the Ark of the Covenant, were a part of those leaving Jerusalem with David. They set the Ark down and Abiathar offered sacrifices to God until everyone had passed out of the city. (verse 24)
Either this was without David's knowledge or he changed his mind concerning the Ark accompanying them. In verse 25, he tells Zadok to return with the Ark to Jerusalem.
 David says, If the LORD sees fit, He will bring me back to see the Ark and the Tabernacle again. But if He is through with me, then let Him do what seems best to Him.

What a statement from David. This is a step of faith for David. He was trusting God to give  him victory and return him to his throne.
Do we get to the end of our rope and then say, "If the Lord is through with me, then let Him do whatever seems best to Him?" He was willing to have God's will be done in his life.
Why do we have to get to that point where we can no more hang on, slipping, with no more hope, at the end of our self,  not knowing what to do in our situation, before we surrender to God? Pride, I suppose, keeps us from surrendering in the first place.

This reminds me of our Lord Jesus as He was rejected in Jerusalem, left the city, and crossed the Kidron to pray in the garden (John 18:1).
Jesus got to that same point in His life as David, in the Garden of Gethsemane. H was praying, alone, since the Peter, James, and John fell asleep. There Jesus prayed three times, asking the Father to remove His cup (the cross or death/divine wrath against sin). In Matthew 26:42, Jesus surrendered, My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may Your will be done.

What does it take to wake us up and follow Jesus, completely? People/family turning against us, loosing our job, financially struggling, health problems growing worse?

What amazing love, that Jesus would endure the beatings, shame, death on a cross, die for me, a sinner, and you a sinner! Friend, He did that so we would not have to pay for our sins. He paid our sin debt. God requires a perfect sacrifice, and He found it in Jesus.
Jesus voluntarily surrendered His will to the will of the Father in all things. (MacArthur)
How can we but praise Him??

Let's bring our brokenness to Him. His mercy is waiting to be poured out on us.


In verse 27, David reveals his plan to Priest Zadok:
  • Zadok and Abiathar returns quietly to Jerusalem, along with Ahimaaz (Zadok's son) and Jonathan (Abiathar's son).
  • David would stop at the shallows of the Jordan River and wait there for a report from Zadok.
  • The two priests did as David said.
What happens next is something, and it can be tied to Jesus.
Look at verses 30-31(NLT): David walked up the road to the Mount of Olives, weeping as he went. His head was covered and his feet were bare as a sign of mourning. And the people who were with him covered their heads and wept as they climbed the hill.

Christ and His disciples met here (Gathsemane) frequently, just across the Kidron Valley from Jerusalem. (MacArthur)

The Garden of Gathsemane was located at the foot of the Mount of Olives. This is where olive groves of olive trees covered its slopes of the mountain range. They would grind the oil out of the olives to use in the Temple and their homes. Also, it was has been used as a Jewish cemetery for over 3,000 years (over 150,000 tombs are there). During N. T. times, the route from Jerusalem to Bethany and where Jesus stood when He wept over Jerusalem. It was also the place where Jesus ascended into heaven after his death Acts 1:9-12). Some believe Jesus' return to earth will be here in this elevated place, to overlook Jerusalem. It is referred to in Ezekiel 11:23.

Since this is considered Good Friday, let us take a few moments to consider all Jesus went through for us, His sacrifice, and His resurrection power.

Have you asked Jesus to be your Savior, to forgive you of your sins, to be Lord of your life? He is waiting with outstretched arms, nailed scared hands, and a heart of love and forgiveness.
Are we going to share the true meaning of Easter with others this weekend? I pray you will go to church and worship with me, this Risen Savior.
Glory to God in the highest! Our Savior is Risen and alive!


Drink the cup of my Heavenly Father's will.

You will, Your way, today, I pray.

Seek His forgiveness o my sins today.

He is risen, Jesus Christ!!!!!!

Praise Him forever!!!!

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