Thursday, October 29, 2015

Release, Let it Go

O. T. #624 "Release, Let it Go"
October 29, 2015
1 Samuel 19-Part 2
Let me go...  1 Samuel 19:17b


Do you ever get to the point where you throw up your hands and give it up to God? I don't know what to do. I give up. I let go. I can't do anymore. Why do I wait so long to release my situation to God? Isn't my faith strong enough to trust Him in the first place? David had to get to that point, also.

Jonathan patched up things between Saul and David. Once again, David forgave Saul and fought for him against the Philistines in a great slaughter. The Philistines fled. Awe, peace in the valley. Except, the battle took on a different form. Saul's mental state was so unbalanced.

Jealousy, rage, and anger once again dominated Saul, who was enraged by David's success against the Philistines. (MacArthur)

That evil spirit came upon Saul again and he tried a third time to kill David with the javelin, but without success. Then, Saul sent  messengers to David's house with instructions to kill him in the morning. Some how, Michal, David's wife, found out and warned him of the plot. Do we see a faithful wife demonstrating covenantal love for her husband?


David's wife found out the plot to assassinate him some way or the other. Perhaps she knew the messengers that her father had sent to David's house. Anyway, she helped David escape through their window.

What happens next?
  • When Saul's men confront Michal that morning, she tells them David is ill.
  • In the meantime, she disguises an idol and puts it in their bed. I picture it looking like a pillow with the covers over it, which is used as a substitute now days.
  • Saul sends the men back to bring David on his sick bed to him. Then they discover the idol in David's place.
  • Saul asks his daughter how she could deceive him and let David escape.
  • Her excuse was that David told her to let him go or he would kill her. This was the opposite of what actually happened.
  • David had fled to Naioth, the Prophet Samuel's birthplace. He told Samuel all that occurred with Saul. Apparently there were some dwellings where Samuel and his prophets stayed for training, prayer, and fellowship.
With God on your side, anything can happen. Saul's messengers were sent to this place to get David and what ends up happening? The Spirit of God came upon the messengers and they end up prophesying and not killing David. How awesome is our God!

David had trusted in Jonathan, Michal, and Samuel instead of God to protect him from Saul. He fled without experiencing God working for him.

With God, anything is possible, friend. Are we willing to let go of our problems and let God fix them? Are we willing to let go of our children so they can serve the Lord where He leads? I understand how hard it is, for our daughter and her family are living in a state that is a 3 day drive from us.


Release my circumstances into God's hands.

Trust Him to work things out for my good and His glory.

Then watch God work while experiencing His peace of being in His will.

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