Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Spots and Blots

594.  "Spots and Blots"               August 28, 2012
2 Peter 2-Part 4
And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you.  2 Peter 2:13 KJV


Spots and blots-did you have them as a teenager like I did? I didn't like them messing up my face. I suppose my pimpley face was due to my hormonal imbalance. Now when I get a red spot, it is due to the side effect of a medicine, mostly whenever I get hot.

When Peter used spots and blots (blemishes in KJV), he was talking about a totally different thing.
Thayer's Lexicon says spots, used in this verse, is of base and gluttonous men; a stain or blemish, defect, disgrace; blemishes refers to blots, disgrace, insult of men who are a disgrace to a society.

That is a little stronger than those which appeared on my face. Gluttonous men that are a disgrace to a society. Now remember, these adjectives are describing the false teachers.
"The wages of unrighteousness, immorality and boldness will not pay. It will rob and destroy," says The MacArthur Bible Commentary.

These spots and blots are opposite to the character of Christ. 1 Peter 1:19 says, But the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.

It is Christ's blood that washes away my spots and blots in my heart and makes it clean whenever I ask for forgiveness. Either way, I don't want those spots and blots in my heart or on my face. Have you asked Jesus to cleanse your heart of those sins?


Here we are again-Peter continues in chapter 2 to describe the charateristics of the false teachers. We learned the last lesson that they are arrogant, brutes in their understanding and dominated by lust and greed. I verses 13-16, Peter goes into a little more detail.
Peter says these false teachers:
  • will be paid back harm for the harm they have done;
  • have the idea of pleasure that  is to carouse in broad daylight;
  • are blots and blemishes, reveling in their plelasures while they feast with you;
  • have eyes full of adultery;
  • never stop sinning;
  • seduce the unstable;
  • are experts in greed.
Not only are these deceivers unbelieving and immoral, but they are also clearly slaves of their unbelief and victims of their immorality. (Shepherd's Notes)

I want to be the opposite of these people-kind, humble, sharing and caring.


Thank You, Jesus, that Your blood has washed away my sins.

Keep my eyes focused on Jesus.

Make sure my thoughts are where they should be and honor the Savior.

Don't be greedy, but sharing.

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