1 Peter 4-Part 7
So be happy when you are insulted for being a Chjristian, for then the glorious spirit of God rests upon you. 1 Peter 4:14 NLT
You will always have to take this medicine. Your disease will never go away.
Those were real comments the doctor said to me. Inspite of all that, I was so happy whenever I was finally diagnosed with Crohn's disease. You see, I have had it for 40 years. Now I finally know what I am up against. Live with Crohns is definitely a challenge. There were other diagnoses through the years, but none that were correct. Now I can adjust my diet and take medicine so I can live comfortably. The thing is, I must do what I know is right and not stray off the trail of the limited diet. That is when I enjoy life to its fullest.
So my philosophy is: Life is a challenge. It's how you handle it that counts.
We all have our challenges, whether it's just the result of living in a body that's getting older or a drastic, painful disease. How are we going to meet that challenge? Will it knock us for a loop, defeat us, or make us stronger? Will it turn us to or away from God?
Be glad with exceeding joy!
Happy are ye!
Why? How? Really? Does Peter know what he is talking about? When I go through painful, fiery trials, I am supposed to be very glad, have wonderful joy, be happy, overjoyed? (NIV and NLT)
Peter also tells me to
- not be surprised when I am suffering, as thoughit is a strange happening (v. 12)
- rejoice that I am participating in the sufferings of Christ (v. 13)
- be overjoyed when His glory is revealed (v. 13)
- think of myself as blessed when I'm insulted because of Christ (v. 14)
- consider myself blessed because the Spirit of glory and of God rests on me (v. 14)
- not be ashamed, but praise God when I suffer as a Christian for doing good, not sin (v. 16)
- praise god that I bear His name of Christian (v. 16)
- suffer according to God's will and be committed to my faithful Creator (v.19)
- continue to do good (v. 19).
According to Thayer's Lexicon, fiery, in the Greek, means a burning; the burning by which metals are roasted or reduced; the refiner's fire, calamities or trials that test character. Trial refers to the proving; that by which something is tried or proved, a test; of a crucible or furnace for smelting; your proved faith.
This fiery trial that Peter refers to is a special kind of persecution, not like what he previously described, but that which would overtake the entire church. It was not an occassional personal persecution, even though the early Christians were allowed to worship freely. These fires were ignited by Nero and then other emperors.
Peter writes these Christians so they could:
*expect suffering (verse 12),
*rejoice in suffering (verses 13-14),
*examine their life (verses 15-18),
*commit themselves to God (verse 19).
Whatever glorifies God will anger the enemy, and he will attack. Persecution is not a strang thing for believers. It's absence would be strange.
In the Old Testament, fire was a symbol of the holiness of God and the presence of God. The fire on the altar consumed the sacrifice (Heb. 12:28-29). but Peter saw in the image of fire a refining process rather than a devine judgment (1:7).
Not all difficulties of life are necessarily fiery trials. Some are a part of life; some are a result of disobedience and sin; some happen because we are faithful to God and stand up for what is right; some because we bear the name of Christ that the lost world attacks.
[Resource: Be Hopeful by Warren Wiersbe]
NLT says in verse 19: So if you are suffering in a manner that pleases God, keep on doing what is right, and trust your lives to the God who created you, for He will never fail you.
Work on rejoicing when trials come.
Glorify God when I am going through them.
Praise God for the privilege of being called by His name!
Remember, God will never fail me.
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