Monday, August 13, 2012

Red Sugar Water

583.  "Red Sugar Water"           August 13, 2012
Introduction to 2 Peter
By His divine power, god has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself by means of his marvelous glory and excellence.   2 Peter 1:3  NLT

We recognize Peter as the author of his second letter. He was the man, old Simon and new Peter, the rock; Cephas in the Syriac language. He was the outspoken apostle, who did speak on the Day of Pentecost, where 3,000 were saved. He was the only disiple who got out of the boat and experienced walking on water toward Jesus. But he was also the one who denied Christ 3 times during His trial. Then, Peter was the one to whom Christ asked if he loved Him; the one to whom the Risen Savior told to feed His sheep (followers).
MacArthur says that probably this epistle was written just before Peter's death, A.D.67-68. According to tradition, Peter requested that he be hung upside down when hung on a cross, signifying his unworthiness to die as his Lord.
It seems that Peter wrote this letter from prison in Rome, where he was facng imminent death. (MacArthur)
The purpose of First Peter was to help suffering Christians; Second Peter was to expose false teachers.
We will see him dealing with scoffers, emphasizing the reasons why the imminent return of Christ had not yet occured.


John MacArthur says that in this letter, we will be challenged to know our:
  • salvation
  • Scriptures
  • adversaries
  • prophecy.
David Guzik says,"Knowing God is the key to all things that pertain to life and godliness."

To know or knowledge are words mentioned 13 times in this letter. It isn't merely an intellectual understanding of sosme truth, although it can be. It is the living participation in the truth in the sense that our Lord used it in John 17:3, This is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. (italics added)

Am I knowing and growing in Christ? Am I knowing more about Christ, as well as personally knowing and experiencing Him? Is my faith in Christ growing, staying on level ground, or going down hill?


All summer, I have had two hummingbirds come faithfully to the feeder hanging from my porch. During this summer's drought in my area, those cute tiny birds came daily, depending on me to give them nurishment. Everything in the fields and yard was dried up-no flowers, no nectar. Very few flowered weeds were around. Since there was only an inch of the liquid left, this morning I refilled the hummingbird feeder with precious red sugar water. So far, one has returned.
Isn't God like that for us. If I will come daily to read His Word, then He will faithfully provide the spiritual nurishment I need to live that day. His Word is a precious gift to us! (His red sugar water is the sweet blood of Jesus shed for me and you, friends-a gift.)

What are our precious gifts given from Christ, which no one else can give? Peter says they are faith, righteousness, grace, and peace.
It is the precious blood, precious righteousness, and precious sacrifice of Christ Who gives us these precious gifts.

Warren Wiersbe, in his book Be Alert,  writes about the three important affirmations about the true Christian life, the characteristics of the Truth:

1.The Christian life begins with faith. (verses 1-4)
  • This faith is in a person. Jesus Christ is the Son of God, our Savior, God in diety and form of man. (verses 1-2) Savior is the one who brings salvation, which means deliverance from trouble. (In our case, it is from sin, death, Satan, and hell from what I am delivered.) Grace is god's favor that is undeserving. Peace is experience with God (Rom. 5:1).
  • This faith involves God's power. (verse 3) When I was born again into the family of God by faith in Christ, I became complete. God gaves me everything I would ever need for life and godliness. Nothing needs to be added, for I'm complete.
  • This faith involves God's promises. (verse 4) His Word is what I need for life and godliness to develop in me. They are great pormises from a great God, leading to a great life.
2. Faith results in spiritual growth. (verses 5-7)
3. Spiritual growth brings practical results. (verses 8-11)
(I will discuss that last two later.)


Learn more about Jesus so I can know Him better.

Study His Word so I can experience the life His has for me.

Submit to Jesus.

Reach out to Him to grow my faith.

Stand on His promises.

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